Jesus was affirmed in His relationship with the Father and therefore His identity as the Father’s Son enabled Him to conform His life to one that was pleasing to God. Jesus knew His identity was tied to God, despite the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes claiming that He was a blasphemer and a worker of Satan, Jesus proclaimed that, “I and the Father are one.” When those in authority failed to see His value He stayed true to who the Father said He was and didn’t doubt for one moment who He was called to be. He lived His life in accordance to the Father’s plans and because of that He lived in constant state of pleasing God, one example of this is when John the Baptist questioned Jesus need to be baptized by him and Jesus demanded that they did …show more content…
For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.’ Then the devil left him, and behold, angels came and were ministering to him.” In His work of fulfilling the righteousness of God, an exhausting schedule was something that Jesus was accustomed to as He traveled throughout the land and did His Father’s business everywhere He went, “And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people.” Yet, in the mist of all the demands that faced Him, He made sure He took care of Himself by stealing away from His disciples and the crowd in solitary prayer, “And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” He demonstrated the importance of self care in terms of making time, no matter how early, to spend with
We are often searching for answers to find out who Jesus was or what His teachings really meant. John includes eight different situations in which Jesus gives what are known as the “I Am” statements. Instead of continuing to simply wonder about who Jesus is, we can take an in depth look into the “I Am” statements that Jesus made while He was here on earth. Conclusions can be drawn by looking at the statements Jesus makes and looking into what they mean. He uses an emphatic “I Am” to bring out important teachings about his person. Most of these statements are known by Christians.
Yancey starts out with the image of Jesus. When he was young he had envisioned Jesus to have angelic features such as, young, handsome, and a compassionate face. It wasn’t until he entered into a Christian college, that he was introduced to the real image of Jesus. I had an immediate connection with Yancey. I too had an image of Christ in my head, which consisted of Hollywood portrayals and those in classical paintings. It wasn’t till I engaged myself at a Christian college, that I have now received a new and more accurate picture of Christ. His book, The Jesus I Never Knew, questions the reader with the thought, “How many Christians today are in the same position, not fully understanding
Although the Bible’s description of Jesus and his crucifixion has not been changed, the perception of the people about Jesus has been changing throughout the ages. The poem “The Dream of the Rood” is good example of a unique view of Jesus and his crucifixion. The poem is referred as “one of the first and most successful treatments of the crucifixion” in Old English poetry (Burrow 123).
• Writes about James, brother of Jesus, who was called the Christ. Stoned to death in A.D. 62. Pg.78
Some scholars argue that evidence of Jesus of Nazareth 's existence can only be found within the writings of the New Testament. They believe that the New Testament is a biased and unreliable source for the existence of Jesus. They therefore claim that Jesus did not exist. The historical existence of Jesus is necessary to demonstrate the truth of Christianity. While Christian scholars do not discount the reliability of the New Testament as a historical document, they are also able to point to other historical documents and consider non-Christian writings which support the existence of Jesus. In this paper I will argue that Jesus the Nazarene was an actual, historical person and that this can be demonstrated through extra-Biblical resources.
Luke and Acts tells the story of what Jesus did and taught during his ministry, first in his earthly life and then as the exalted Christ and Lord through his disciples. This essay will outline the various titles Luke used to portray or described Jesus in his two-volume narrative, in doing this we hope to get a better understanding and a complete picture of who Jesus was. Luke in his two volume work described Jesus in numerous ways and I am only going to be discussing four which referred to him as Christ, Lord, Prophet and Savior. The main Christological themes that appear in Luke-Acts highlighted and emphasised on the concept of the “Lord 's Christ”, meaning the coming ruler of God 's people, who will serve as their Savior and performing prophetic work [2 pg. 123-143]. Moreover, Jesus’s role was not assumed on his own initiative, but rather it was the work of God. Thus we can say that God’s work and plans were at the center of the Book of Acts and Luke’s gospel [1 pg 22].
University can be a vicious, juggling circle of assignments, readings, and social interactions, but keeping Jesus in the center of it all, can somehow balance it out. In post-secondary education, students go through change, leaving the family home, feeling intense pressure to obtain high grades, taking exams, trying to establish a romantic a romantic or social life, dealing with often very high costs of tuition and possibly working during the school year. The question is, how do students attempt to cope with and manage the stress they are under? With the help of family, friends, and perhaps campus stress management resources, many students are able to keep their stress levels relatively under control or even thrive in the college setting. In Lutz “King of the Campus”, we see why it is important to keep Jesus at the center of it all, why the kingship of Christ really matters, and what it looks like to have Jesus as
Now-a-days it seems like religion has become somewhat of a taboo. It has fallen on the back burners, pushed behind things such as famous actors that people look up to or things portrayed in the media. The thing is, the most important figure in history is part of religion and should be revered much more than the idolized actors of today. The human population has become blind to spiritual life and has become engulfed by a social lifestyle. If you look around, people have forgotten what it’s like to know Jesus and any aspect of religion. Religion is the biggest part of any person’s life because it is the building block for everything we have.
“Who do people say that I am?” (Mark 8:27) is one of the most fundamental questions that Jesus asked his disciples. It is a question, from my personal viewpoint, that has a simple answer. Jesus is Lord! Needless to say, there is more to the identity of Jesus, but it is my belief that Jesus is the Messiah, the second person of the Holy Trinity. He is the promised Savior foretold in the Old Testament by the prophets. There is an endless list that gives Jesus titles such as Ruler and King, Master and Teacher, Savior and Christ, but in Acts 2:36 Luke writes, “God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified.” Jesus is the one who went to the Cross to bring humankind forgiveness, redemption, and salvation.
ideas of God the Father, Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit in
There is only one way to god and that is threw Jesus Christ. We have to go through Jesus because we are sinners and sin cannot be in God’s presence. Sin is falling short of Gods glory and since we all fall short we need Jesus to bring us back. To have Jesus we must accept him.
When discussing and proving the person of Christ, there are two basic laws that must be addressed and proven. First you must prove that Christ is one hundred percent human (humanity), then you must prove that at the same time Christ is one hundred percent God (deity).
The new testament contains four (4) accounts of the story of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection as presented by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, The 3 accounts are similar, while Johns bible presents Jesus in a unique way. These differences exist because Matthew and Luke got their information from Mark and John got his information from another source, maybe John did not have access to the other gospels or he chose not to use them. No one really knows the source of John’s gospel and we don’t know for sure who wrote the gospels. Scholars refer to the authors as Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, this may not even be their real names. The Gospel were not first hand accounts except for Mark. John did not seem to have known the existence of the other
When this question is personalized, it becomes the most important question one will ever be asked or answer. Who is Jesus Christ to YOU? Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly" (John 10:10, NKJV). In 1 John 5:11-13 we are told that if we have the son in our life we can KNOW that we have eternal life. Jesus is the only way for us to live an abundant life here on earth, or receive eternal life in fellowship with God. Jesus died on the cross to take the punsihment for our sins so that we could be sinless in the eyes of God. If we do not receive the free gift of eternal life by experiencing the forgiveness achieved by Jesus, then we will receive the punishment we
Of all the incredible divine qualities Jesus Christ exemplifies, the one I love most is His constancy. He is the same “yesterday, today, and forever,” and as Moroni teaches us, from Him cometh “every good gift.” Because Jesus Christ is constant, all of God’s children who have ever lived or ever will live on the Earth can look to the scriptures and prophets to identify patterns of obedience by which they may obtain every one of these good gifts, This is in accordance with that law decreed in heaven, that “when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it was predicated.”