
Job Design, Recruiting And Selection, And Training And Performance Appraisals

Decent Essays

Introduction As a newly appointed District Manager for the five new Dunkin’ Donuts locations, it is imperative I provide a solid business model and operation procedures to maintain a productive organization. As the District Manager my goal is to increase revenue and promote the brand name of Dunkin’ Donuts. This article will analyze multiple categories in managing this franchise. I will discuss: Job Design, Organizational Design, Recruiting and Selection, and Training and Performance Appraisals. Job Design The key ingredient for success is the District Manager. As the District Manager (DM) will be managing all five of the new Dunkin’ Donut location. The DM responsibilities are to provide information to the owner to include but …show more content…

Store managers and their assistant managers will be accountable for hiring employees of their said location. They will also provide reports to the DM. These reports should consist of costumer and staffing concerns. These reports will done on a periodic basis. The employees of the each location will be cross trained to fill each roll within the store to include managers and assistant managers. Everyone employee at each location should and will be expected to perform the daily tasks involved in running a Dunkin’ Donuts store, such as serving and making coffee, preparing and serving food products, accepting payments, cleaning, and opening and closing of the store. The support staff will be provided by the franchisor to include; human resources, accounting, and telephone and email customer support (Dunkin’ Donuts, 2015). With the support from the franchisor each of these stores will open and provide great customer service. This will provide a positive outlook on the Dunkin’ Donuts organization. Organization Design The five new Dunkin’ Donut locations will continue to operate under the same organization design that has proven to work for Dunkin’ Donuts. Each one of the five stores will operate as Machine Bureaucracies under a Divisional Structure. This new franchise will continue as other Dunkin’ Donut stores have done, running on a foundation of coffee and donuts.

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