
King Jewels: Ethical Leadership in Practice Essay

Decent Essays

Assignment #4 : King Jewels : Ethical Leadership in Practice

Discuss how the leadership style may have contributed to unethical behavior.

In the world of greed, I think people tend to forget what the words leadership mean. Leadership means being a good role model for your peers, being able to guide, lead and direct them in the right direction. In the case of King Jewels Clement Tam failed to do so because he let his power take over he responsibility to be a great leader for the company. King Jewels was just a mom and pop jewel store owned by Andy Wong and his wife for 20 years during the 1985. The business later expanded from Hong Kong to China in the 1990’s. Sells had been booming in the last ten years. According to Mr. …show more content…

Discuss how the proper segregation of duties could have prevented Tam from fraudulently sourcing the gems.

I think Mr. Wong went wrong for hiring his right hand man and so forth. The whole senior management for this company is either family or friends. This can create a hostile working environment if they every get into a conflict at work or outside of work, which is not good for the business. I think if the proper segregation of duties were put into play I think it still would have been potential fraud involve. My reasons for saying this is because Mr. Ho is known for his style of leadership so even if the gems went though the proper process he had the final say in with gems were to be picked. Mr. Ho is known for making decisions with consulting with his colleagues. So, overall I think so fraudulent activity would have went down one way or another.

Discuss the company’s compensation plan contributed to the deceptive behavior. In this particular business the cash flow was booming. Everyone was buying

jewelry from teens to elderly people. Their biggest cliente was women of all ages. I being a woman myself do know that women love to shop for nice things jewelry being one of them. This company was making billions of dollars so I can only imagine that the pay and annual bonuses were nice as well. Like I said earlier people will do anything possible for greed. Even if the

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