
Labatts Narrative

Decent Essays

A double shot of bourbon neat with a Labatt’s chaser was Evan’s standard drink of choice at the Pussy Corps. He had placed his order with the waitress after taking his usual seat at a little two-seater table that was nicely tucked away in a dark corner near the far side of the stage opposite the entrance. He then looked over the room as he patiently waited for Misty to take to her performance. Not even 1 p.m. and the place already had nearly three dozen patrons. Most of them businessmen who were in their twenties and early thirties having stopped in on their lunch break to have a quick steak or partake in the twenty-five cent wing special the place had during lunch hours. Glasses of water stood before many of them. The more risky had a bottle of beer that they hoped they could sneak without their prick bosses ever finding out. It was a little taste of freedom before they had to schlep their sorry asses back to their pathetic jobs where they were wasting their lives in some cubical. A group of bikers several tables over from Evan were already making a ruckus by the time he walked into the place. To Evan, they looked already fairly lit up as if last night hadn’t yet ended for them. Their bloodshot, dilated eyes pierced the dimly lit room like they were beings from another planet having stopped in for a …show more content…

Placing the bottle back down upon the table, Evan then glanced fleetingly at the bikers. They had moved on to harassing a few of the girls who had already finished dancing and were now working the room. Lunch time didn’t draw in the crowds that the evenings did so the staff was always light during the day. With not enough girls to go around for all of them, the alpha males among the bikers had become forced to exert their dominance over the weaker ones if they had any hopes of getting a little action in the

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