
Essay about Leadership Recommendation

Decent Essays

Individual Leadership Recommendation


Individual Leadership Recommendation
Kudler Fine Foods is preparing to implement a new software system. The system will increase the efficiency of the organization as well as change the human resources procedures. This system will be a change for the employees of Kudler Fine Foods and it is important to have a smooth transition from the current HRIS system to the new software system. The employees of Kudler Fine Foods will be expected to learn this system so that the employees are able to update personal time requests such as vacation and sick time. The Human Resources employees will be expected to learn the new system because this will be the new system for maintaining personnel …show more content…

* Participative Leadership
Participative leadership involves efforts by a leader to encourage and facilitate participation by others in making important decisions (Yuki, 2010). Participative leadership is important because the employees are able to see that leadership is also participating in the change with the employees. The feedback from the employees previously is what prompted the change in human resources and it is important for the leader to show employees how this is an important and positive change for all. * Visionary Leadership
Visionary leadership is important because this will help employees to realize the long term vision of the change within the company. This style of leadership will help the employees to realize why the change is needed and that the change is a permanent change. This type of leadership will also help the employees to see that this is not an option, the change will happen and if he or she is unable to adjust to the change the individual may not remain employed. * Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic leaders appear confident about their proposals and do not appear doubtful and confused. The leader must communicate self-confidence so that the theory is attributed to expertise. The confidence and enthusiasm is contagious and the workers will work harder -

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