
Leadership Strengths For The Levi Strauss's Leadership Development

Better Essays

For the Levi Strauss organisation to work at its optimum, the top management requires clear strategic objectives and a vision that is reinforced by supportive organisational structures. The organisation further needs to be able to adapt to changes internal and external environments including the creation of new initiatives or innovation and technology improvements.
The three pillars that support strategic transformation are the behavioural, structural and operational strategies. The regeneration would require attitude and behaviour change that will support the shared vision, mission and objectives of the organisation.
It is therefore recommended that a strategic transformation portfolio be implemented immediately that will …show more content…

the organisations core business and competencies. The leadership competencies are key factors for success and these will be evaluated so as to ensure that the executive team leading this transformational effort are best positioned to succeed. It is recommended that such an analysis include the use of the eight essentials of excellence proposed by the European Forum for Quality Management’s Excellence Model and the eleven core values highlighted in the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. This will seek to align the leadership skills of the executive team to the core values of the …show more content…

4.2.5. Creating the Strategy Map
The Balanced Scorecard (BS), created by Kaplan and Norton (2001), is an ideal tool that will be used by Levi Strauss for describing its corporate strategy in uncomplicated terms so that the vision and mission are easily communicated to and understood by all its employees. It assists in identifying the critical organisational success factors (CSFs) and associated key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring the degree to which its organisational benefits are achieved.
The BS will enable the link between the Levi’s long-term strategies with short-term actions, and will relying on the financial, customer, learning and growth and internal business process perspectives.
Kaplan and Norton (2001) propose four processes for managing strategy, as shown in Fig. 5 and the BS best provides these capabilities. In addition to increasing understanding of the organisation’s vision and mission and tracking key elements of measurable strategy, the BS will be utilised for facilitating the organisation’s strategy

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