
Leadership Style And Its Impact On The Employees Work Life Balance And Company Production

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These companies recognized the important of their employees work life balance and company production. As a leader when compassion is shown to employees it sends a since of trust and allows a better work environment. When a leader has a closed door policy and is viewed not approachable, it can be disastrous for the overall mission and production of the company.

Job-centered leaders "closely supervise subordinates to make sure they perform their tasks following the specified procedures. This type of leader relies on reward, punishment, and legitimate power to influence the behavior of followers". It was proposed by Renis Likert and his research team at the University of Michigan. They contrasted it with employee-centered leadership style which corresponds with transformational leadership style rather than transactional style (Lee, 1999).
Authoritarian Leadership
“Authoritarian leadership represents absolute power of a leader over the followers” ( Authoritarian leaders are seen as experts in the organization and, therefore, take the responsibility of identifying organizational goals and a strategic path to success. They provide the followers with clear expectations of what needs to be accomplished, when it should be done and how it should be done (Wagner, 2007). Authoritarian leaders are task-oriented. They tend to make decisions independently, seeking little or no input from their followers (Lewin, Llippit & White, 1939). Companies that would model this type

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