
Learning Disability Nursing Issues

Decent Essays

This essay will look at the issues which influence mental health and learning disability nursing practice. The issue which will be the focus of discussion will be dignity. The ways in which patient dignity can be maintained will be identified within both fields of nursing along with the threats to dignity. The Mental Capacity act 2005 (MCA) will be discussed throughout the essay as it is of importance within each field of nursing. The Human Rights Act 1998, The Mental Health Act 1983 and the Nursing and Midwifery Code of Conduct (NMC) will all be considered in relation to Mental Health and Learning Disability nursing. The two fields of nursing will be compared in regard to similarities and threats to dignity, along with nursing practice …show more content…

If any of these measurements cannot be achieved, they are deemed to lack capacity. An individual may lack capacity due to mental illness, such as dementia and schizophrenia. If an individual lacks capacity, this does not mean they will always lack capacity, it is reassessed over time. (Mind, 2009) The current government policy on mental health enshrines the concept of dignity with a strategy based on outcomes. (DOH, 2011) Curtice and Exworthy (2010) discuss the threats to dignity that may occur within a mental healthcare setting, they distinguish between personal and environmental issues. Some of the personal threats to dignity include referring to service users by their diagnosis, neglecting their appearance and assuming an infantilising approach towards adults due to actual or assumed incapacity, however If a person lacks capacity, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) applies. This provides a framework for individuals lacking capacity (Herissone-Kelly, …show more content…

Such as offering choice and control, where possible, asking about what support is needed and ensuring the individual is involved at all stages of the care planning process. This may take more time to prepare and using alternative or additional methods of communication, such as the use of pictures and symbols can aid communication in some circumstances. Improving Health and Lives (2012). A nurse will need to allow sufficient time when meeting with a patient, affording the individual a dignified experience, by providing time to adapt to a situation and process information. RCN

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