
Lesson Plan Essay

Decent Essays

1. Student Objectives:
To be able to read the contents of a nutrition guideline, looking for specific items
To be able to compare/contrast the values of calories, fat content, carbohydrates, etc., in different cereal brands and list them
To be able to graph the results of their comparison/contrasting on a bar graph
To be able to apply this information to identify which cereal is healthiest/least healthy
To be able to design a cereal, box and toy of their own based on what they now know and …show more content…

Ask what types of cereal they like to eat and why, and what the best prize was that they ever got in a box of cereal.
5. Procedure
1. Have the students discuss the importance of eating breakfast and healthy eating, as well as their favorite cereal brands and why they are what they are. (5 minutes)
What is your favorite kind of cereal? Why?
Why do people think breakfast is important?
Why should we eat healthy foods?
Why are some foods more healthy than others?
2. Hand out a sample of a nutrition guideline to each student, placing a copy on the overhead projector. Explain what it is the students are looking at, identify important parts of the guideline (i.e. calories, fat and carbohydrates), and discuss what are healthy levels for each. (10 minutes)
3. Break the students up into groups of 2 or 3 people and have students give out samples of the three cereals with their nutrition guidelines, paper, and rulers. While they are doing this, write the three cereal names on the chalkboard, making rows of calories, fat and carbohydrates. Instruct the students to do the same, following the example on the board. Students may sample the cereal . (7 minutes)

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