
Lindwold Personal Statement

Decent Essays

A huge goal that I have for the new year is to keep the book-drive momentum going that I established in December. This is important because it would be a shame to let it die, especially because about one hundred kids in this school took home about 1000 children’s books for younger brothers, sisters, and other relatives. Early child literacy is so important, and every family in Lindenwold should to understand that babies need books, as well as somebody to consistently read to them. Furthermore, reading well by the time that they get to kindergarten will ensure a successful career in school. Sady, in Lindenwold there are many small children who have no books in the home, and I want to take action to end this.
I will achieve this goal by recruiting and inspiring students to help me sort and distribute the books, making sure they get to the families that need them most. The more people I involve with the process, the greater chance I have …show more content…

Hopefully, I can lose even more. I want to slim down for a couple reasons. For starters, my aging joints have no business toting around 20 extra pounds of fat. Next, I want to be able to fit into my size 36 khakis that have been hanging in my closet for the last twenty years. I tried them on this morning, and they’re still a size too small. When I regain my appetite within the next couple days, I need to take specific measures to ensure my goals. This goal gives me the motivation to go back to where I was last year, and start running 20-25 miles each week. I pledge also to start hitting the weights more in gym because every weight loss expert I’ve talked to say that lifting builds muscle and muscle burns calories in ways that fat can’t. And finally, I should burn into my brain the happy picture I took today of the scale: 217.2. I can slice more

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