
Literary Reflection

Decent Essays

Intent and purpose of this class
The intent of this class is to give the student a well-rounded overview of the basic parts of a short story or novel. These include plot, character, point of view, strong openings to a story, dialogue and writing enhancement. It is intended to help writers. It is not intended to be a literary criticism class.

I will also provide a brief overview of genre, marketability and marketing promotion. I will review work for content and structure. I will not “copyedit” the student’s work. My focus will not be on grammar or sentence structure.

I will give homework assignments and it is helpful to finish the assignments. But we may move onto the next assignment if you haven’t completed in the assignment within a few days.

Lesson one: The Plot in the Story
Good stories have a beginning, middle and end. But editors look for the plot arc, or some variation of it. If you are an established, well-recognized author you might tweak The arc model, but the rest of us must slug through it. And for good reason. The arc will pull your reader through the story. It is the reason why your reader will turn the pages until the very end. It also helps the writer focus their story line, cut out the parts that are slowing it down, and highlight the parts that help move the story. Trust me, in the end The arc will be your friend.

If all of this comes as a surprise to you then you have been reading wonderful books or watching wonderful movies/TV shows

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