
Research Paper On Love And Murder

Satisfactory Essays

Aliyah Price
Written Composition
Love and Murder Nobel prize winner, Knut Hamsun once said, “love is every bit as violent and dangerous as murder.” In the real life case presented in the podcast series, Serial, officials claim that Adnan Syed’s motive was simply love, a dangerous, violent love. With that being said, it is well knew that love can sometimes drive people to do the unthinkable; murder. In Adnan’s case officers say that the love he had for Hae influenced his actions, and he decided to take her life. Throughout the podcast, listeners were informed about the case as a whole as well as other information on characters and professionals who were questioned by reporter, Sarah Koenig. Koenig leaves it up to the listeners …show more content…

Some of those issues include people being at different places at different points, the time window, the whole cell phone tower situation, and so on. Let’s look at the time frame, so basically your looking at 2:15pm to about 2:36pm: 21 minutes which is when officers think Hae was killed. The podcast producer and reporter do the exact route said to be taken from the high school to Best Buy, and it take them 22 minutes and 2 seconds. So yes, it's possible but not to likely. If Adnan was capable of this he would have had to get everything perfect, assuming there was no complications with traffic or anything like that, he would have had to kill her in approximately a 1 minute (some argue it takes 5) that's amazing assuming 17 year old Adnan has never killed before, let alone with his bare hands. So if the time of death and the time of the phone calls are by chance right, it's still a super narrow window for all of this to happen.

Another reason that leads me to believe that Adnan is innocent is the said to be locations and timing of when and where the murder was committed.First of all, think about the fact that this murder was committed in the afternoon around 3:00 o’clock, broad daylight. Don’t you think someone would see ? Theories are that the murder either took place at a pool hall, maybe around the high school or even a Best Buy parking lot, where Jay claims he saw Hae’s body in the trunk of a car. If that's the case, all locations pan out to be public places, someone, anyone could've saw it

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