
Major Contributers to the Wireless Telecommunications Association

Satisfactory Essays

The iPhone is Apple’s most prominent and iconic product of the company. Apple is one of the leading innovator in mobile technology today, alongside with Samsung. The iPhone comes installed with Apple’s operating system called iOS. The iOS interface is based on the concept of using multi-touch gesture on sliders, switches and buttons by either swiping or tapping to engage with different software or apps. The iOS’s interface is elegant and intuitive, yet simple with the use of bright and bold colors making it attractive for consumers. Alongside with the interface of iOS, the iPhone’s physical appeal with the metallic material and glass design making it look high-class is far superior to any other smartphones in the market (Zeman, …show more content…

Android has grown exponentially from merely 4 percent of the market in 2009 to 66 percent of the market in 2012, according to Gartner. Samsung is Apple’s main competitor, but also Apple’s sole supplier of application processor that is required for the iPhone to function which gives Samsung the ability to charge a higher premium for their application processor. A key opportunity Apple can acquire is obtaining patents and merging into different markets to create their own application processor, as their contract with Samsung expires in 2014.

Blackberry mobile device was developed by Research In Motion Limited (RIM), a Canadian telecommunication and wireless device company. Blackberry releases their mobile phones with a highly secure encrypted network that allows their users to send emails and data between devices freely. Mobile devices include protection against outbound ports for all communications made, which helps prevent any sort of data or unauthorized devices to retrieve corporate properties. Blackberry has a narrow customer segment that is targeted towards governments, corporations and business professionals. In 2012, Blackberry has shipped approximately 49 million mobile devices, compared to the 52.3 million in 2011, which indicates a decline. Whilst Blackberry was one of the pioneers of the smartphone, the company has lost its dominant position in the market since 2009. Blackberry is ranked sixth in mobile device market with a 17% volume share of

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