Management and Leadership Paper
Evelina Tibubos
University of Phoenix
MGT 330/ Management: Theory, Practice and Application
Management and Leadership Paper
I Introduction: Leadership and management are two opposing styles of employee supervision actively used with in the organization. It has lots of similarities, yet there are many differences that separate a manager from a leader. Bateman and Snell, 2008 stated that “Management is the process of working with people and resources, to accomplish organizational goal” (p19). Leadership is a manner in which a leader aspires to persuade his or her team to launch and achieve organizational goal. This paper will discuss the difference between management and leadership, the roles
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Leaders are risk-takers and ready to hurdle problems that overcomes on their way. Leaders allow changes and use it to their advantage by taking the change that people would like to follow. Leaders are innovators with creativity to invent and focus on the vision. Leaders are mentors and see people strengths while manager evaluate people, restricts initiative, and looks for what employees are doing wrong. Leaders concentrate on the future while managers think about the short –term goals and focus on what needs to be dealt now with no intention of thinking about the future (Leadersdirect 2008). This is really true in the organization I work. Managers are the ones who manage the budget, reports and statistics, are preoccupied with the maintenance issues, and deals with solving problem. They are focusing on their work expecting the good effort done by the staff.. The leader in our unit works with the staff to achieve the best, and leads the other staff to reach their goals. The unit manager depends on the leader to accomplish the unit activities, and the leader is a role model that most of staff members follow to improve themselves.
III. How the four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture. Managers have the strategic plan and discusses to all employees about plans to improve and maintain efficient delivery of care that incorporates the organization’s mission and vision. Approaches have been discussed to
The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivate people to follow them. Managers have a position within the organisation, their teams work for them to complete tasks and in turn manage situations as they occur. Leaders on the other hand do not have teams when they are leading. Instead, formal control is given up, as to lead is have followers and this is always a voluntary activity. Telling people what to do does not inspire
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We are not inborn with the leadership trait. The function of leadership is to make the business a success. It is not the exclusively the playing field of senior managers. Managers and employees alike are required to be the bridge between the customer and the vision of Wells Fargo. Leadership is the act of sharing and communicating a vision of the future and the motivation of others to believe in, and align with that vision. Leaders are accountable for failures as well as manager. They give others the opportunity to be responsible. A first-rate leader will inspire a group to be
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One way to establish the difference between management and leadership is the fact that leadership is simply one of the many things that a manager should have. In fact, this should be one of the priorities of a manager. But aside from this, a manager also needs to be highly knowledgeable in administrative tasks, because this also comprises a huge part of their job. Specifically, a manager has four major functions to do: Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. All these functions have been proven to be essential in any kind of management process, and serve as the main foundation of all organizations (Bateman & Snell, 2009).
Roles of leadership produces change among the movement, establishes direction, aligning people, motivating and inspiring. The roles of both leadership and management have impact on each other and can inspire and make one advance into something they did not believe they have in themselves. Functions of management are making sure employee’s time is managed, jobs assigned are structured, and problems are solved with a prominent solution. Leadership functions are providing a vision one can build up in one’s mind that evolves into a big picture, building goals and teams to brooding ideas, and motivating people that energize them to be motivated to want to work. These roles are similar because leaders can manage and visa verse. Leaders lead people while management delegates roles to lower
The leaders take a focus that is more external, whereas, the focus of managers is more internal. Leaders have particular set competencies that are more forward thinking than managers. Leaders set a direction for organization. They motivate their employees, so that the business continues to exist and hopefully thrive in periods of change. Leaders keep the entity on course and to maneuver around obstacles that come in its way; for example, a captain commanding his ship at sea, whereas managers tend to the business at hand and make sure the staff is following proper procedures.
Leaders are innovators with creativity to invent and focus on vision. Leaders concentrate on the future while managers think about short-term goals and focus on what needs to be dealt with now with no intention of thinking about the future. Managers are administrators of facts, figures, and statistics rather than planning for what lies ahead. Managers are generally preoccupied with maintenance issues and dealing with solving problems while leaders find problems.
Understanding the difference and similarities between managers and leaders can be enlightening. Managers develop and manage plans that impact the strategic vision of an organization while leaders set strategic visions for the organization. Managers establish plans, support strategic plans, and organizational objectives. Managers also evaluate and track the achievement of tactical plans that have been assigned to specific staff. While on the other hand leaders motivate staff to achieve the object and task set forth. Managers serve as problem solvers. Managers are the people who assign resources to groups. On the hand leaders serve as persuasive change agents.
There are varying interpretations of the differences between leaders and managers. Many people say that they are quite similar while other say they are not even in the same league. The latter definition is quite accurate according to Marlene Caroselli’s Leadership Skills for Managers. Mangers are known as people who direct workflow and manager what people do and when they do it. As liaisons between employees and upper management, their responsibilities do not end with just what work is done. They are responsible to employees and “wear many different hats” (Caroselli, p. 2, 2000). Leaders on the other hand are different breed of people. The basic definition of a true leader is someone who motivates his or her subordinates to do something
Kotter (1990) believes that managers and leaders differ in the following ways. Managers are primarily focused on planning, budgeting, organising and controlling, with an additional input into staffing issues and problem solving. Whereas leaders concern themselves on providing direction, aligning people and motivation with specific attention to sharing the vision and commitment required to inspire and energise his team. The following statements provide a further insight into the differences between management and leadership. Leadership is “the capacity to translate intentions to reality and sustain it” (Bennis and Nanus, 1985: 17). Leadership is “the process of influencing
The leaders do not always have a hierarchical position, they appear at all levels of the organisation. Management plans and investigates how to control situations while leaders create motivation around him and give support.
Managers and leaders are often viewed by many as the same. However, there are differences between what a manager does and what a leader does. “A manager must deal with planning, organizing, and controlling” (Satterlee, 2013, p. 5). Leadership on the other hand differs greatly from Managing. “Leadership is also the ability to influence others and is dependent upon whether the leaders possesses that which followers seek”
The art of leadership is multifaceted, with areas for continued opportunity and improvement. A strong and effective leader possess a well-rounded set of skills and characteristics that allow for the group being led to be powerful followers. This is essential in order to have both leader and followers focused on a purpose and vision. Regardless of the type of organization, leadership is a necessity in a professional practice. Depending on the type of leadership, the organization can flourish or flounder. If a strong and effective leader is in charge with a clear vision in place, the organization is more likely to excel. On the contrary, with ineffective leadership in place, it creates a sense of chaos, offering minimal
Leadership and management must go hand in hand. They are not the same thing. But they are necessarily linked, and complementary. Any effort to separate the two is likely to cause more problems than it solves. A manager’s role characterize a more controlled, structured, rule oriented, analytical and orderly sequenced. Whereas, the role of a leader indicates a more visionary, experimental, impassioned, unstructured and flexible side. Thus, it can be said that leaders and managers are totally different as they behave the opposite externally and also think the opposite internally. The difference is also witness in the way the two, treat people and the way they spontaneously react to issues concerning their organizations. This can be explained by the difference in the way of work and organization between the leaders and the managers in relation to their importance in the organizations they head thus the worthiness of their time. This results to those below them to develop different focuses and also limits them in totally different ways. Such differences lead to varied cultures on the organizations and different reactions from the ones being led. Small business will operate more efficiently with managers who also serve as leaders .Workers need their managers not just to assign tasks but to define purpose. Managers must organize workers, to nurture skills, develop the talents of workers