
Manager Role-Henry Mintzberg's Management Roles

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Management is the process of coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, Coulter, 2006). Efficiently in management is due to maximum output from the least amount of input; effectively is done the work activities completely to ensure the goals are achieved. A Manager is someone who works with and through other people by coordinating his/her work activities in order to achieved organizational goals. All managers have to act as a leader to attain the goals. There are three type levels of managers which are top level manager, middle manager, and first-line manager. Managers carry out functions, roles and skills. Management …show more content…

Henry Mintzberg’s management roles with manager interviewed

As described above, Ms. Ong is a middle level manager. Middle managers included all levels of management between the first-line level and the top level of the organization who manage the work of first-line managers (Robbins et al, 2006). Ms. Ong as a middle level manager is responsible to attain the goals set by the top management. The first roles, which is the interpersonal roles is implemented much in the manager management roles. The manager interviewed mentioned that she uses very much interpersonal skills to ensure the ability to work with individuals and groups. This helps the manager to communicate with first-line and top management to process the information. The manager takes the responsibility to motivate members of the organization and ensure the organization keep on track with their goals to be attained. In the liaison role, the manager interacts with media on publicity for the organization to maintain the reputation. The leader role helps the manager to maintain relationship on developing network with the subordinates and media. This role gives the manager a unique position to collect information for her job. Secondly, the informational roles is the role the manager uses very much in managerial roles. In the monitor role, the manager receives

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