
Marketing Communication Plan For Marketing Communications

Best Essays

Table of Contents
Executive summary: 2
1 – History of HB Agency: 3
1.1 – Nature of business: 3
1.2 – Main target market: 3
1.4 – Objectives for next five years: 4
1.5 –Mission and Vision: 4
2 – Marketing communications: 4
2.1 – Platforms of communications: 4
2.1.1 – Social media: 5
2.1.2 – In-product communication: 5
2.1.3 – Email marketing: 5
2.1.4 – Branding: 5
2.2 – Entrepreneurial marketing: 6
2.3 – Internal and external communications: 6
2.4 – HB Agency’s approach to marketing communications: 6
2.4 – Suggested marketing communication plan: 7
3 – Conclusion: 8
References: 9
Appendices: 10
Appendices (A): 10
Appendices (B): 10
Appendices (C): 11
Appendices (D): 11

Executive summary:
The write of this report has selected HB Agency which is operating in business to business sector. HB Agency is a marketing communications and web development agency which develops the appropriate marketing solutions for growing others businesses and makes it possible for those businesses to achieve their business goals effectively. HB Agency was founded in 1999 by Kevin Hart and Nicolas Boillot who is its owner and organisational leader.
This report contains two main parts. The first part of this report consists of developing a case study of HB Agency by covering its history, nature of business, its target market, organisational objectives and it’s vision and mission. Besides, it analyses this small firm venture. However, the second part of this report is describing marketing

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