
Nursing Metaparadigm

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When I first started this course, I was not aware of the importance of theories in nursing practice. I have questioned myself, is theory is really important in nursing? In the first week, I have learned that theories are important in nursing to improve nursing knowledge and guide the nursing practice. During this week I have also learned about Florence Nightingale’s Environment theory and its impact in nursing practice. Learning about the historical phases of nursing was very motivating as it gave a depth knowledge about the different stages of theory development. The review of the historical phase brought the knowledge that professionalization of the nursing progressed by the development and use of nursing theory. By understanding the foundation and accomplishment of nursing, I was able to set my professional goal. …show more content…

A metaparadigm has four central concepts such as person, health, environment and nursing. The central theme of the discipline of nursing have been formalized into these metaparadigm concepts (Alimohammadi et al., 2014). A metaparadigm concept gave an intuition into focusing patient care in these areas to achieve the maximum patient outcomes. I do learned that nursing is a cycle of research, theory and practice and entry to this cycle can be made at any point. In week three, I have learned about concept analysis, its importance and the methods of concept analysis. A concept analysis is a process to make sure the validity of a theory. Through this process a vague or unclear concept become clearer and everyone shares a common language (Townsend & Scanlan, 2011). By using Walker and Avant’s concept analysis model I have learned how to analyze the concept of spirituality and the importance of spiritual

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