There are several types of relationships, and all require a commitment and an understanding between two or more people. There are friendships, relationships formed with family members and relationships in which two people are intimate. Although the type of relationship may differ, the longings are similar; to have an impeccable union between those in the relationship. However, since people are merely human, a perfect relationship typically does not exist. When relationships are fragmented there comes a time in which people must decide if it is significant enough to mend the pieces back together. Relationships are vital because they give people a sense of fulfilment, success, and enjoyment. Relationships are essential due to the fact that …show more content…
By sharing these things with others it allows people to get multiple points of view. Therefore, relationships also help provide people with alternate points of interpretation that can help in objective decision making and that can help further develop social skills. According to Karine Verschueren in “Middle Childhood Teacher-Child Relationships: Insights From an Attachment Perspective and Remaining Challenges,” relationships develop as soon as the middle ages of life. She states “In middle childhood, school becomes an increasingly important context for children’s development” (Verschueren 78). This goes to show that we develop relationships as early as middle school that influence our development as …show more content…
When people build relationships with others it is evident that levels of stress tend to diminish because they have people to confide in. Normand Anderson, in “Paying with Our Health”, stated that “Seventy-five percent of Americans report experiencing at least one symptom of stress” (9). People all have tough days, whether it be health-related, money-related, or work-related. Thankfully, due to the relationships that individuals build, there is always someone to talk to about the stresses of the everyday life. Therefore, it is important for people to maintain healthy relationships to help reduce the amount of stress of everyday life. In addition to relationships influencing a reduction in stress levels, they increase confidence and sense of belonging. Another benefit of positive relationships is that people encourage each other to grow. People need to surround themselves with positive influences and relationships. This is because true friends enjoy seeing friends succeed, achieve their goals and enjoy pushing one another to accomplish more and build confidence. On the other hand, friends may lift you up but they may also keep you level headed. They keep each other in check in certain situations and bring the harsh truth to
Relationships are the key to having a very open and enjoyable life, or either a sad and lonely one. They also are more than that of being someone’s boy/girl friend or husband and wife. According to, relationships are defined as connections, associations, or involvement. My personal relationship with my son is outstanding. We are extremely open with on another and assure the love we have for each other is irreplaceable. Lizzie Borden, a woman accused of murdering her father and stepmother in the late 1860s, had a very strange relationship with her family. Although she had a pretty good relationship with sister Emma, her relationship with her parents was very different. She and her stepmother
Relationships are basically, what makes the world go round. All provide a sense of personal fulfillment, whether it'd be positive or negative. A good example are companies. Companies make strong relationships with their customers, in turn, customers spend more money buying their wares. Another example is the relationship between parents and children. Two texts that focus on these relationships are; “Only Daughter” by Sandra Cisneros and “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan. The texts heavily revolve around the familial connection between a parent and a daughter. Actually, it s so emphasized on that connection, you might say to yourself,”Why is this so important?” It's important because connections go hand in hand with personal fulfillment. Explanations
Lucille Ruby [ source 3] states young children need guidance, support, and stability. Ruby says that Donna Snyder prof develope that younger students can bond with their teacher by staying in one class all day. Given this point students who do not bond with their teacher will not succeed as well or feel safe in their environment.
It is important to build positive relationships with children, young people and adults not just within a learning environment but within any social setting, as this forms strong interactive social skills throughout their lives. Children will build from the skills we show them because as adults we are their role models. You should always take into account how you approach someone and respond to them as this will determine how they respond to you. Everyone must be given opportunities to establish trust and to feel at ease.
Being able to build positive relationships with others helps children and young people to gain the most from being in school and is important to ensure the communication of information between children and the adults responsible for them. We are more likely to build a positive relationship with someone when we can communicate effectively with them.
Some of the principles of building relationships with children, young people and adults are to be caring, understanding, respectful and accepting of other people for who they are. Building relationships with children needs extra attention as they can be very impressionable and the way we behave with them could affect the way they behave towards others, so being a good role model is very important. Setting agreed limits and boundaries with children will mean they learn what acceptable behaviour is and what is not and will help them to take responsibility for their own behaviour, in a school setting this could mean having a written agreement. Likewise with young people and adults you need to have agreed levels of acceptable behaviour when building relationships. Having respect for other people’s opinions and views and allowing others to express themselves even though we may disagree is also very important, as is letting children have their say. Treating others the way we would like to be treated ourselves and encouraging children and young people to do the same is an important lesson in relationship building as is being able to express our emotions and feelings openly but in an appropriate way. Encouraging children and young people to recognise and deal with emotions and feelings in a positive way will help build better relationships with adults as well as with each other. Maintaining a sense of humour and making things fun will go a long way towards building positive
Relationship maintenance involves the actions and activities used to sustain the desired quality of a relationship. (Weiten et al., 2016, p. 257) These actions include being positive, open, assuring, and doing joint activities. Agnew and VanderDrift showed that these actions can be used to promote interdependence and stability or can protect a relationship from threat. (Weiten et al., 2016, p. 257)
Happiness usually is derived from feelings of independence, competence, self-esteem, or relating well to other people (Sheldon et al., 2001). One aspect of adulthood that still remains the same, despite generational changes, is the development and maintenance of relationships. Erik Erikson spoke of young adulthood as the “Intimacy-Versus-Isolation Stage.” During this period, the focus is on developing close, intimate relationships
”(O’Hair 5) There are many different types of relationship, relationships between parents and children and relationships between friends are
There is a variety of relationships that a person experiences in a lifetime. A relationship is something that connects two or more people emotionally, mentally or physically. Relationships can be with family, friends, a significant other, and co-workers. Some relationships can help boost self-confidence and self-worth if the relationship goes well or ends well. Although some relationships can tear a
There are many different kinds of relationships, and all of them require a commitment and an understanding between people. There are ties of friendship, relationships with family, those that we have with co-workers, and there are relationships in which two people are romantically involved. Regardless of the type of relationship, the desires are the same, to have perfect harmony between all connected. However, since we are human, a perfect relationship usually does not exist. When relationships are broken, or venture upon rocky seas, there comes a time when a person must decide if the union is important enough to work on mending the relationship.
Depending on their nature, social relationships can influence behavioral health, psychological health, physical health, and mortality in a myriad of ways (Umberson and Montez, 2010). In general, healthy and high-quality social relationships are those characterized by support and mutual respect; whereas unhealthy and low-quality social relationships are those deemed toxic through stress and disrespect.
The world around us is immense. It is filled with extraordinary individuals, places and experiences. The bonds we form are ceaseless. Every relationship that is formed is one that we would like to experience over and over. Relationships in the world vary from one individual to another but, it is a solid connection that we as a people want to shape in our lives. The different connections that are formed, shape our identity and the identity of who we will become in the coming future. A relationship is a way in which two or more objects, people or concepts are connected. To me a relationship can mean many things but one way that I believe every relationship has is beauty. A way where objects, concepts and people can connect is beautiful because it Is new.
In this world, to live a life, everybody needs someone to always be there by their side. It is not possible to stay alone and be happy at the same time. We can lower our pain by sharing it, or increase our happiness if we can share our happiness with others. People stand with us, share our feelings, bond with us and become a part of our life. We can’t imagine the life without the people who matter the most to us. Some we meet with the needs, some meet with destiny and some stays from the very first day of our life. These connections and commitment of being there make relationships. There is different steps, ways and views of every relation. Trust, love and respect are three different ways to show the importance of our relationship.
Most people know you cannot advance far in life without strong interpersonal relationships. Focusing on relationships will help you get a job, get promoted and make new friends. Well-honed social skills can increase your happiness and satisfaction and give you a better outlook on life. Also relationships can help to reduce the negative effects of stress and boost one’s over all