
Mindset By Carol Dweck Analysis

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Did you know that too much encouragement will make a child over confident and less likely to work hard. When kids get to feeling like they are really good at something they feel like all of the hard work is done and that they are at the top. They slow down their effort allowing others to catch up. They are less likely to work hard because they think they are good enough already. Once a child gets good and works at what they do they need to keep going and pushing because they will get passed by others. Mindset, by Carol Dweck explains, that kids need praise but not too much because there overconfidence will pull them down and others will pass them in life. Sometimes kids that got praise that tore them down took that praise and …show more content…

If a child’s parents don’t give them encouragement then the child can’t achieve their potential. Kids need to be motivated and reaching their potential will be easier because they believe in themselves. If the parent gives too much praise, then the motivating won’t mean anything because they think they are good enough already. People think that parents need to motivate while not giving too much. Other people may think that praise is a thing that parents should use as often as possible because they think their kids will benefit from it more greatly than giving them a certain amount of …show more content…

Praise given needs to be uplifting and confidence boosting because the child will be more motivated to try harder and do better.In the article “Motivating children” by Leah Davis explains, “Provide a caring, supportive environment where children are respected and feel a sense of belonging”(Leah Davis). The author is trying to say that parents praise should make the child feel good about themselves. When a child feels encouraged then they will be motivated to do better. Praise needs to make a child want to do better and grow from mistakes. Other people think that the more praise the better. They think it is better to give more praise because it makes the parent feel good about them selve and the child will be motivated. In the paragraph Help Kids Feel Good About Themselves states, “Kids who feel good about themselves are less likely to be pressured into doing things they don’t want to do”(Diane Ryles). Kids need to feel good about themselves in order to do well and work hard. Children need to be motivated so when they get to the top they continue to work just as hard. Parents need to make themselves make sense so the child will understand. Another way of thinking about this is that kids need to be given a good mindset. Some people think that kids need to have a good mindset to improve at anything. When a child has a growth mindset they are more likely to

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