
Mobile Phones : Cell Phone Is Not Safe For Kids

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Cell phone radiation is not safe for kids. First, phones can cause many side effects to kids. Next, it can cause the kids childhood to be very unhealthy. Finally, the phones they have don´t benefit any of the kids. Here is some proof or examples about my topic.

All the phones that kids use, they all can cause many side effects. To start, it says on the site that using the phone for more than an hour or two and that it can even crush the skull, it then shows that children under the age of eight absorb twice the amount of radiation then an adult or teen. To add, it said in the article that a July 2008 peer-reviewed study showed all this information about the ages that can absorb more radiation. To say, according to the Cleveland Clinic Center that cell phones can damage anything including sperm, and it can even lead to miscarriages or childhood cancer. I got this information from and it says that if you are on the phone all the time while pregnant that it can cause the baby to get a brain tumor and die or when the baby is born it will want to the same exact thing and that is to be on the phone. Finally, it can cause kids to become emotional about almost everything if they get hurt on social media, it can also cause kids to have very bad behavior and cause the kids to not listen to their parents or even teachers at school. Finally, kids can get hurt and tend to hurt themselves or even hurt other people because they are hurt. We should now jump into my

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