
Moodle Language Quizzes Answer

Decent Essays

Q1 The report Introduction As requested by the Managing Director, a Committee was set up to examine staff attitudes towards enhanced training. The Committee sent out a survey to all staff members and this report is based on their answers. Finding The survey showed that six staff members were taking work-related courses. Furthermore, it was discovered that all six of them were from the senior management and no junior staff members were taking work-related training. The latter responded they were not participating in work-related training mainly because of the cost of such courses. In addition, junior staff members did not believe that such extra efforts would bring them any reward or appreciation. Consequently, they did not feel …show more content…

Q6 As most employees show their willingness to work irregular hours, we can implement the flexible working hours system as scheduled. Q7 It is expected that the construction permit for the new factory building will be issued within two months after submission of the building plan to the Buildings Department Q8 The research team suggests developing new products to attract overseas buyers. Q9 Provided that the budget permits, the company should upgrade the machinery to be able to manufacture a better quality product. Q10 Given the huge success of the pilot scheme, it is strongly recommended that the scheme should be a permanent practice. Q11 If safety is the major concern, then the LB830 is most probably our only choice. Q12 The Hong Kong stock market will rise next year. The correct answer is: The Hong Kong stock market is likely to rise next year. Property is a very unpredictable market. Property tends to be a very unpredictable market. Financial analysts believe that the retailing sector has better potential than the rest of the market. Many financial analysts believe that the retailing sector has substantially better potential than the rest of the market. Inflation is at a more dangerous level now than in the 1970s. It is probable that inflation is at a more dangerous level now than in the 1970s Shares are a safer investment than real estate. Real estate gives a better return on the long term. Shares are a considerably

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