
Moore's 4th Floor Case Study

Decent Essays

The 4th floor of Moore was suddenly without an RA on the first day of classes at the beginning of this academic year. All the way across campus, was Mikaila Woods; a CA in Kramer Complex got a call from the Residence Life Coordinator of Moore Hall. That Friday Mikaila was chosen to fill that void on Moore’s 4th floor, and by Saturday night she had finished unpacking into her new lobby room. Mikaila came in with no training, onto a floor with no leader. Her leadership has grown all on her own, and anything that did, and will happen, on that floor is because of her. Since then she has made herself available to her residents and socialized her floor in time to create a great community on her floor. She did this by reiterating the importance of …show more content…

Through all of the relationships that Mikaila has formed since being hiring last second, she has created an exceptional bond with the RLA on her floor. RLA Nyssa Owens and Mikaila have become best friends over this academic year, often inseparable and always building each other up. They will work side by side in programs and help each other out in a multitude of ways when it comes to their student staff position.

“I'm honestly just stunned with the work she has done. She came to Moore without going through training, yet within two days she established a floor GroupMe, created a social program, and had bulletin boards ready to go. She's one of the most driven people I've ever seen, and she makes her work meaningful. I love her steadfast integrity and her loyalty to this job, even when the job isn't kind to RA's. She's a natural here, she always belonged in Moore.” -Darby Huddleston (Staff)

“If she's sets her mind to something, she's going to do it. She sets her eye on the prize and works as hard as she can to get there. She does this with everything she does. Even if it's as simple as getting a bulletin board done, she plans What’s she's going to do, and then gets to work. I think that's why she's succeeded this year. She doesn't give up and the staff applauds her for it.” -Chantelle Simon

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