
Mr Bolden Case Study Summary

Decent Essays

1. How did Mrs. Bolden confirm Ramon’s screening test score? Why was this important?
Mrs. Bolden checked to see if the results she received are congruent with the assessments scores from pervious test. She also retested Ramon once she started intervention. Alyssa states that Mrs. Bolden checks the score against the Iowa Test of Basic Skills to confirm his score. I believe that is one way to rank what classification best fit Ramon’s score.

2. How did Mrs. Bolden calculate Ramon’s trendline?
She used the scores she received during the weeks of the intervention to plot points on the graph, with these scores she was able to find a trendline by averaging the scores and using liner regression line. Using the slope calculated she was able to create …show more content…

Based on the information provided, does Ramon have a learning disability? If so, how do you know?
I am unsure if he has a learning disability, I would like to see more work done before giving him that diagnosis. His comprehension level is very low but his reading skills are below average. From the case study I see he was progressing as normal and then started to fall below average. Maybe a key skill was not learned which may be causing the disconnect. He seems to be struggling with the comprehension of the material he reads. This may call for more group that strengthens comprehension instead of words per minute.

6. Write one individual education goal for Ramon in the area of reading.
One goal for Ramon would increase his comprehensive skills on level 2-level 4. Leah sets a goal for Ramon to increase his words per minute from 73-85. I think that will be helpful as well because he is struggling in both areas.
7. What should happen next?
Individual help may be more appropriate for Ramon because it looks as through his struggle is with understanding what he reads. Ayonna suggest that he receives a mixture of individual and group interventions. I agree because I think he will benefit from being in a group with stronger

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