My 10 best practices in Human Resources:
Healthcare benefits- Thousands of Americans die every week because they have no healthcare. They cannot afford it or it is not offered at their place of employment. Offering these benefits for employees are important because they cover outpatient care, prescriptions, outpatient care, pregnancy, mental health services, lab tests, therapy, pediatric services. and dental services. Having healthcare benefits would help gain employees and keep them around longer. That benefits us both, employer and employee. I believe that is a good practice.
Employee Assistance Plan- Many people have some kind of issue going on in their life that keep them from being able to work. Whether it is physical like drugs
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Most commonly, child-care and elderly care. Our workforce changes everyday and offering minimal child-care benefits would be a competitive advantage by gaining good workers. Offering child-care referrals, scheduling child-care help, and reimbursing employees for child-care expenses helps tremendously, and affects employee's attitudes and job performance in a positive way. Offering elder- care benefits would be referrals for employees who have parents needing care. A common benefit becoming popular is long-term healthcare insurance providing nursing homes or home care. These benefits are a good practice for HR to have because this is our workforce and it is …show more content…
There is no playing favorites. Employers must understand how they treat one employee, they must treat all employees. If one employee gets in trouble for taking a smoke break, that staff member outside doing the same thing should get in trouble. Allowing certain employees to do this or that when others cannot, creates a bad attitude in the workplace. We do not want this. Being consistent, shows we are fair and makes for a good reputation for how we run our company.
Be personally involved- The hiring process is the most important step in our company. Getting involved by helping with this process, ensures the right tone for how to run our company. If we, the boss, get involved 100% and dedicate ourselves in this step for quality control, our workers see this and work harder for us. That is a positive.
Unexpected awards and rewards- By rewarding employees or giving awards, it makes for great attitudes and work environment. Employees get motivated and excited not knowing what the day may hold if they are working hard, meeting goals, making improvements, going above and beyond for customers. Whether we give out certificates, prizes, money, food, employees get motivated and see what good work habits will get them. Surprises are nice. A good, happy work environment is great for the company and the
Employee Benefits: The Company should consider and perform a cost benefit analysis for offering better benefits for employees.
Employer-sponsored benefits reflect the culture and business of the organization, and plans should be crafted and selected accordingly. Think about your current (or former) organization's benefit plan. Did it help to improve the quality of your work as well as your personal life? Why or why not? Was it a generous benefits program or were there specific benefits you felt should have been included?
Despite the high cost of premiums and the cost of administering the benefit, small employers state many important business reasons for offering health insurance coverage to its employees. Most say they provide health benefits because it helps with employee recruitment, increases employee loyalty, and decreases turnover. They also note that these benefits positively affect employee attitude, performance, and health. The most important reason for offering health insurance coverage, small employers say, is that "it is the right thing to do." The most significant reason for a small business employer's decision not to offer health benefits however is the skyrocketing costs.
The most important of those things would be for them to come up with a plan that first of all attracts and motivates current and potential employees, governs compensation costs, and ensures equity. Amongst the compensation plans that are offered is Workers Compensation, which is established under various federal laws (Workers’ Compensation Act 1987) meaning it’s not an option for a job to offer the benefits. There is an exchange given for this law because having the right to use it means that you forfeit the right to sue the employer for
There are also benefits for employees as well, such as, avoiding long-term absences which result in the employee having a difficult time returning to the workforce; maintaining a stable income, job skills, and self-esteem. (Management of Occupational Health and Safety, 2011, 327)
Health insurance and employer’s providing insurance benefits for their employee’s has been a debate for a long time. Everyone is asking who should pay for it and who shouldn’t. From my point the employer should pay for health insurance. Why? It is simple, starting with the point that the majority of all the employers are paying low wage salaries to their employees. Also, they are only giving part time jobs. Thus, employers need to give a good reason and incentives like health care insurance that
Chapter conclusion: Benefits for employees are very important for companies. Benefits for employees include various insurance plans, paid vacation days, paid sick leave, paid days off, etc. Different companies need to establish different benefit plans based on their company conditions. In brief, benefit in one of the bridge between employers and employees.
A reward is a high extrinsic motivator. The reward can be monetary, gift certificate, day off with pay, a two hour lunch, or working for two hours on anything but work. All entice performance and competition in the workplace. A gold star, being the teacher’s helper for a day, no daily
• Leaves such as paternity and maternity are only granted to certain contracted individuals (Permanent)
Recognizing employees for accomplishments such as finishing a major project, reaching sales targets or providing excellent customer service can be an important motivating factor. Set goals for workers to strive for and offer rewards for reaching them. This could be in the form of an employee of the month scheme, a bonus, or a promotion. Some companies conduct meetings where employees are recognised for good work in front of their colleagues. This can help motivate all the workers in the business to strive for success.
1. Good Practice in Human Resource Management (HRM) Based on an interview with Graham Walton, Library Service Development Manager at Loughborough University ExFiles FOLIO Course – January 2007
Recently published literature reveals that there are several key components of any effective reward and recognition program. Multiple authors argue that programs missing any one of these key components will, at best, fail to engage employees, and at worst alienate employees. In fact, according to Bob Nelson, the author of 1001 Ways to Reward Employees, some forms of awards can hurt organizations by promoting a culture of entitlement. Additional research reveals that programs that are impersonal or reward too few people may alienate employees. These key 14,15,16 components and case examples of their influence are detailed below:
I feel it is ideal for employees to have a choice in the benefits they receive because of the care and cost. Normally when a benefit package is offered, there are many offers with different levels of care. Each level of care is offered at a different rate. Some are more affordable than others. It would not be ideal to have a benefit package that is not affordable and does not offer the coverage that is needed.
The legally required employee benefits constitute nearly a quarter of the benefits package that employers provide. These benefits include employer contributions to Social Security, unemployment insurance, and workers’ compensation insurance. Altogether such benefits represent about twenty-one and half percent of payroll costs.
Employee benefits are a tool used by businesses to attract potential applicants, improve employee satisfaction, reduce turnover and maintain competition. Benefits that most employers offer include, but are not limited to, medical and dental coverage, time away from work, retirement, and additional assistance during life changing events. The majority of employers in the United States offer benefits to their employees and include an annual enrollment yearly to select benefits and make any needed changes.