
My Experience In Middle School

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In the waiting room of a hospital, anxiously awaiting for my results. Sitting in wonder, questioning if I will be immeasurably miserable for the next few weeks. It was the end of my seventh grade year and I unquestionably did not want to start my summer in this particular way. The door creaks open, “Katie?” says the nurse. During my time in Middle School, I attended the youth group at the United Methodist Church, or UMYF. Each year we regularly participated in fundraisers, normally they would take place at the church or alternative locations. We fundraised to go on trips; we would constantly end up with leftover funds. With the leftovers we decided as a group to put the money towards an end of the year gathering. This specific year we came to an agreement to have an all-nighter at the YMCA in Garden City. The night prior to the all-nighter I could only imagine how enjoyable this experience was going to be, especially considering I would be with all of my companions. I excitingly packed all of the supplies that were necessary. The next morning I awoke, prepared my belongings, and my mother drove me to the church. All of my friends and myself gathered around a van. We patiently waited for one of our leaders to unlock the car so we could load our bags and cram ourselves inside. Afterwards, once everyone had arrived, we left Scott City, heading towards Garden City. Neither my friends nor I had ever been to the YMCA. Once we reached our destination, we unlocked the door to

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