
My Favorite Hobby

Decent Essays

Since being a child, reading used to be my favorite hobby. I would immerse myself in fiction and dive into the fantasy world. I loved the idea of getting lost in a story and forgetting all my troubles. I would read almost any book that I picked up. My favorite genres included fiction, comedy, and adventure. I found so much pleasure from reading and alienating myself from the rest of the world for a certain period of time. My parents would always read me a story before going to bed every night, this just grew my interest for reading even more.
Like most people, my first words were as simple as “daddy or mommy”. Before I started school, I would always have PBS Kids blasted on my tv to keep me entertained. I loved to sing along with the cartoon characters such as Barney ….. After watching all of these so called educational shows, I started developing my own sentences, and started being able to have actual conversations with my other family members.
As a child, my dream job was to become a children’s author. I would write and illustrate my own stories as a kid. I remember stealing paper from my dad’s office. Then I would take out my coloring pencils and other art utensils, and start writing whatever came to my mind. I would find inspiration from other stories I’ve read in the past and I would add a bit of my imagination as well. After creating these stories I would read them to my younger cousins who didn’t know how to read at the time.
In grade school I was apart of my

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