
My Philosophy of Education Essay

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My Philosophy of Education

Is there a certain set of guidelines that need to be followed when teaching? If so, what should the main points of these rules be? I believe that when teaching, an instructor needs to consider the nature of the students and the importance of a good education. A teacher should also have some sort of idea about the teaching methods that should be used in the classroom.

I believe that all students are capable of learning when given the opportunity. Children are not born evil. They are just simply born with a curiosity for new things. I think that the environment of a child affects their ability to learn. For instance, if a child is sent into a classroom where the temperature is constantly uncomfortable, the …show more content…

Through our education, we learn how to think for ourselves, respect others, and communicate persuasively. A person without an education can be held captive by more intelligent people. This occurs because the uneducated person has no idea of what the truth is. He is simply controlled by the educated individual’s beliefs and interpretations of the truth.

My goal as a teacher is to provide my students with the best education possible. I hope to give them an enjoyable and successful learning experience during their early education with hope that they will pursue a higher level of education. I hope that after leaving my classroom, my students will feel that they have obtained useful information that will help them succeed later on in life.

My teaching method will include hands-on learning experiences. Through this method, I hope to create a desire for learning within the students. I will also model the skills that the children are supposed to learn, just like the Sophists did. After modeling the skill myself, I will have the children look to others as examples. Following this, the students should be ready to perform the skill for themselves. My teaching method will also resemble Rousseau’s style because I want my students to learn the material well. Instead of covering a great amount of material that the children partly know, I would rather cover less material that is more in-depth so they know it thoroughly.

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