
NCR Country Club Case Study

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NCR Country Club was chartered as a benefit for the majority of National Cash Register employees. NCR employees by late 1990s were aging rapidly, and their core membership was declining drastically. NCR country membership club was not attracting new members, especially young families within its precinct. NRC needed to increase and attract as many social groups as possible. NCR management board confined to McMahon consulting Group to steer the country club in a new strategic direction.
If you were McMahon Group, how would you present the findings of your study to the NCRCC board? Explain the rationale for your chosen method.
Data presentation of research findings will depend on the research methodology used to collect data. Research data can be collected by using qualitative or quantitative techniques. Mc Mahon group used focus groups which are a qualitative method of collecting data. The analysis and presentation of data in qualitative research rely on the use of words to explain the research findings. Raw data collected from either primary or secondary sources need to be in a form that can facilitate analysis and interpretation. Results of the study, for instance, can be presented by the use of graphs, pie charts, and tables. Evaluating which of this approach is suitable depends on the intricacy and amount of data presented (Attride, 2001).
Qualitative research methods use semi-structured and unstructured methods to collect data. The limitations of qualitative

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