
Negative Essay On Vegetarianism

Decent Essays

According to a recent poll 6 to 8 million American’s do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. From these people studies have been done about the effects of a vegetarian diet on the body. Compared to meat eater, vegetarians consume less saturated fat and cholesterol from not eating meat. This diet leads to better long-term health. Research so far has shown that a vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart disease. In recent years a study was done using 76,000 participants and the results showed that vegetarians were 25% less likely to die from a cardiac event such as a heart attack. This is because vegetarians tend to consume more high-fiber, whole grains, and legumes which have a low glycemic index and the body digests slowly. This keeps blood sugar levels steady. Another food item that helps reduce the risk of heart disease is walnuts. The omega-3s in walnuts help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. There is some controversy over this specific topic, thus, are they really that healthy? What does it mean to be a vegetarian, and what do professionals have to say about being a vegetarian?
Different people follow different forms of vegetarianism. A true vegetarian eats no meat at all, including chicken and fish. A lacto-ovo vegetarian eats dairy products and eggs, but excludes meat, fish, and poultry. It follows, then, that a lacto vegetarian eats dairy products but not eggs, whereas an ovo vegetarian eats eggs but not dairy products (KidsHealth). This is the most of

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