
New York City Council Case Study

Decent Essays

The New York City Council serves as New York City’s legislative body. The Council is separate from the Mayor’s office but work as equal partners in how New York City is run. The Council is made up of 51 members representing over 250 neighborhoods throughout the 5 boroughs. The Council’s main responsibilities include but are not limited to creating legislation, negotiating the City’s budget and monitoring city agencies; most notable are the Department of Education (DOE), New York Police Department (NYPD) and Department of City Administrative Services (DCAS). The Council also works very closely with the Public Advocate (Leticia James). The Public Advocate is a non-voti9ng member of the Council with the right to introduce and co-sponsor legislation. …show more content…

A family friend presented an opportunity to me and I seized the moment. As a sports management major working in government was never really on my radar. I was hired by Council Member Robert E. Cornegy Jr. He represents the vibrant constituents of District 36 which includes Bedford Stuyvesant & Crown Heights in Brooklyn. A mere 151,000 people. My initial role was to serve as the Constituent liaison for Crown Heights. This included attending community meetings and forums, reporting out information on any upcoming events that the Council Member would be having, fielding constituents’ complaints and concerns and collecting data. Within my first month I very quickly had to shift into overdrive and take initiative on several projects. The office associate unfortunately left due to family obligations and I soon became the “woman in charge” ensuring that the office ran smoothly. With this new responsibility I, not only was the constituent liaison for Crown Heights but also fielding all incoming calls, maintaing the office, keeping up with supplies and most importantly managing the Council Member’s calendar. Managing the Council Member’s calendar was a huge task in itself. As you can imagine elected officials have very busy schedules both professionally and

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