All of these core values I must follow everyday working the New York Public Library such excellence; only the finest of everything is good enough. Everyday when I shelf and edge books at my branch, I make sure that the service I put forward is the finest so that the patrons will be able to find the books with much ease. While working at the library I must help the patrons to find books or simply complete task on the computer. I must lead the patrons on how to use certain programs on the computers or where to find Hunger games series in the Young adult section of the library. In my daily life, I must put forth truth from Having these core values already instilled in me from working at the New York Public library I would be able to execute them
My thoughts are to have core values that will replace value statements. I believe five core values will be good, easy, and simple. One core value will be “We value people” this value should be respected by employees of the business. All people need to be value in order for the business to be held in high standards. The next core value will be
Review the "Core Values" media piece located within the topic materials. Select your basic 9 values that will provide the foundation for your "Personal Model of Leadership: First Level." Was it hard to narrow your selection to only 9 values? Why are these 9 values important to you?
I have learned a lot after identifying my top 7 core values now I will compare them on a personal level, local level, and a global level. The first core value I identified was economic security, and I can compare this on all three levels. On a personal level, I contribute on a daily basis by working at The Home Depot. By working at The Home Depot, I contribute to my economic security by making a salary which helps pay for school. On a local level part of the money I make goes to taxes which help local citizens afford food and healthcare. Globally I contribute by helping people install greener and more environmentally friendly options. The second core value that I discovered that was important to me is health. On a personal level, I contribute
Out of all of Our Franciscan Values which include, reverence the unique dignity of each person, encourage a trustful, prayerful community of learners, serve one another, society, and the Church, foster peace and justice, and respect creation. Although it took me a good portion of the semester, I believe that I fully recognize and understand the importance of these values as well as how they are put into play every single day here at USF. The core/human values that I have put into action this semester include serve one another, society, and the Church as well as reverence the unique dignity of each person. While seem to correlate to each other as both can be carried out by someone at any given time. Throughout my first semester here at USF, I believe that these two values are the easiest to be put into play within our lives and fall hand in hand with one another.
Please don’t be one of those people. Be someone that knows what you are doing and keep it positive. The second core value is “Courage”. Courage is the value in which it gives moral and mental strength to those who know what to do is right. For me, I treat courage like it means something important in life.
Out of these Core Values, I feel that I am strongest is Compassion/Caring. Throughout my life, I have always been concerned with the wellbeing of others. I try my best to help those around me whenever I can. A huge part of the value of Compassion/Caring is considering the needs of others, attending to those needs, and helping others feel that they are worth something. When I was in high school, a friend of mine called me one day, asking for my help. She had gotten some bad news
Values are something we respect and stand by. Core values here at Marywood University are rules we should abide by. In order to be a part of the Marywood community following the core values is important. Displaying the core values can be done in many ways. Not only can core values be shown in our everyday life but they also can be shown through books and poems.
Throughout the performance at the Eighteenth Avenue Library, countless performers move in and out of the basement. At random moments in time, the performers enter the room either as individuals or in a group. As they walk into the basement, their pace slows down as scan the room looking for an empty table and seat. When the performers select a seat, they first unload the contents of the backpack which include either a computer, notebooks, writing utensils and at times all three items. The soloists during the performance begin to intensely concentrate on their work, as the duets and trios begin to converse with one another about their task at hand. Throughout this piece the soloists remain silent, many listening to their own music through a
My values and the behavior results: My core value is that I balance between self and others. I want to harmonize the rights of the people with the well-being of the community. I
The key to finding one’s destiny is determined on how much time and effort you’re willing to sacrifice. In Robin Sloan’s Mr.Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore, the author uses inquisitiveness to convey that destiny and self-discovery is a result of one’s curiosity. Sloan accomplishes this with the utilization of encrypted books, ordinary characters, and secret-societies.
Values and morals are an integral part of life; values define who we are on a personal and professional level. My personal and professional values are similar but are used differently on a personal and professional level. In this code of ethics I have identified my core values as respect, honesty, loyalty, integrity, professionalism, and responsibility. Developing a code of ethics has provided me with an opportunity to reflect on my values and evaluate how I turn those values into action.
These values “define, inform, and guide” (ALA, 2004), professional librarianship practices. These values include: Access, Confidentiality/Privacy, Democracy, Diversity, Education and Lifelong Learning, Intellectual Freedom, Preservation, The Public Good, Professionalism, Service, and Social Responsibility (ALA, 2004).
My core values consist of the following: accomplishment, benevolent, determined, gallant, helpful, merciful, opportunity, optimistic, perseverance and vigorous.
As I have grown as an adult and moved further towards success in my life, I have always maintained a guided structure to achieve goals and tasks that challenge me. I call these my “Core Values”. This is a strict regimen or a belief system that I have instilled into my everyday practice to complete any task that presents itself. Although not perfected, I have found this method to be quite successful. My work ethic, responsibility, and my drive to further my education and knowledge have never failed me. Life can seem tough and demanding on a very consistent basis, but I believe that I have cultivated a plan to accommodate and withstand any trial
In addition to my mission statement, my core life values are the foundation of my mission statement, which allows me to uphold my promises and standards. These promises and standards will afford me the opportunity to improve the life of others and myself for the better. Therefore, there are four particular core values that I live by each and every day. The four values are commitment, compassion, dedication, and optimism. The first core value, commitment, embodies the theme of loyalty and honor. I work hard each day to live up to the promises that I make to finish tasks, help others, and meet the expectations that I place on myself or by others. The second core value that I live by is compassion because I wholeheartedly believe in being kind to everyone and helping those in need. The third value that I live by is dedication. Along with the previous two values, dedication is an important factor because being dedicated to someone or something allows a person to display that person’s character of being steadfast and passionate—even in the face of adversity. The fourth and final value that is a foundation for my personal mission is