
Nursing Is A Essential For Care For Individuals, Families, And Community Groups

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Nursing is a valuable profession in which nurses provide care for individuals, families, and community groups. In order to be a successful nurse, a person has to be able to combine people skills like communication, compassion, commitment, and trust with an adequate amount of science and new technology knowledge. On the other hand, nurses are highly responsible for educating their patients about different medication, diseases, treatments, and healthy lifestyle choices to help clients maintain and improve their health and well-being. Nursing consists of a wide range of specialties and practices among which every nurse can choose depends on her/his interest and skills. Personally, I am really interested in working on the Coronary Care unit and eager to learn more about this specialty. Coronary care unit is a specialty department that provides care for patients with coronary artery diseases, heart failure, and life threatening dysrhythmias which requires continued monitoring of the patient’s condition. According to J. Edgar Caswell (1967), the first coronary care area in the United States opened at Bethany Hospital, Kansas City, Kans., in May 1962. By the beginning of summer 1962, the Heart Disease Control Program initiated major efforts toward establishing specialized coronary care units for patients with acute myocardial infarction. It was at that time that the name "coronary care unit" received its impetus as a specialized entity. (p. 1105). The invention of coronary care

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