
Nursing Philosophy And Theories Of Nursing

Decent Essays

Nursing Philosophy/Theories
Eric Trotta
West Coast University
Nursing 492

Nursing Philosophy/Theories The four elements to the nursing paradigm according to Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall (2013) is person, health, environmental/situation, and nursing. Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall (2013) state, “Nursing is an art and a science” (p. 1). Nurses are the first people see in the hospital or medical facility, they must strive to be knowledgeable in their field of practice. I have learned throughout the years as working as an emergency medical technician (EMT) and my time at various clinical locations of some of the morals and ethical dilemmas a nurse will face. To truly understand the paradigms, I feel that one must …show more content…

Each patient regardless if the condition is the same or not, is unique in the treatment. Nurses must treat each patient and their condition in a unique fashion to avoid a bias. Not all patients will have the same recovery time or same length of treatment. Nurses must be able to know how a patient can improve their overall health by using the three levels of prevention. The nurses number one goal in treating a healthy patient is preventing a future complication. The nurse can provide secondary prevention by educating patients at risk for prostate cancer to get screened. The nurse also provides tertiary prevention by preventing further or secondary complications related to a chronic issue. The third paradigm is environment. “Environment/situation includes all possible conditions affecting patients and the settings in which their health care needs occur” (p. 41). The environment can consist of many different elements. Some environmental conditions must be made to promote better patient health depending on the condition. A burn patient will require a room with heat lamps to prevent hypothermia for example. Some patients have to adapt to a new environment because of a new diagnosis. Some medications require a patient to avoid sunlight exposure, and a patient that enjoys the outdoors must learn to adapt and change their norm. The nurses can provide education about alternatives to a patient that must

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