
Obama Care Pros And Cons

Decent Essays

The Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barrack Obama, on March 23, 2010. On June 28, 2012 the Supreme Court rendered a final decision to uphold the health care law ( U.S Dept). There are key concepts to the Affordable Healthcare Act, or also known as, Obama Care. They are coverage, cost, and care. It was put into place to protect American people and the ability to provide Health Insurance for everyone. It covers preventative care coverage for all young adults, pre-existing conditions eliminated exclusions for children, controls the withdrawal of insurance coverage, gains access for member rights to appeal, terminates lifetime limits to coverage, review increases for premiums, maximum benefits …show more content…

With the facts and survey results checked, it would be unethical, to market as a positive life changing event. With any law, both parties are going to disagree. It is both parties responsibility to compromise for the best plan that would represent the American people, with overall cost efficiency. If Obama Care was put in place with any misgivings or misrepresentations to the American people, the repercussions will eventually come around to face fate of those involved. The families and the individuals earn an income to pay for the services such as health care and taxes. If the Healthcare Act is going to affect jobs and taxes and shift to the company because it drives up the price of healthcare, at what point how long will the deficit take a hit before it bust? The falsehoods include the following, when the results for young adults stated they were able to obtain insurance it was because they were added their parents plan up to the age of 26. The source for the 6 million young adults that were added came from a survey conducted by a nonprofit commonwealth Fund report that was issued June 8 2012. The report stated that 6.6 million would not be able to do so prior to the affordable Act when put into place. (Romney) A safer ground statement should have said “potentially helped 54 million, instead of 3.1 million. According to the last Census completed 54 million received expanded preventative coverage. It has yet to be confirmed if the 54 million were able to take advantage of the changes according the healthcare act.(Romney) The numbers were distorted with the example that Medicare would be cut by 500.00 billion and would add to the deficit by 10 times and would span over 10 years. The law is considered a “job killer”(Romney) because the companies receiving the subsidies would work less hours so they would be paying less for the healthcare and medical services

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