
Oral Cancer and its Evolution

Decent Essays

Cancer that appears in tissues of the mouth or the region of the throat located at the back of the mouth (the oropharynx), is considered to be oral cancer. Oral cancer can affect a majority of regions on your body, including your lips, tongue, the inside of your mouth, your jaws, throat, ears, face, and neck. Cancer starts in cells. Cells make up tissues and tissues make up the body's organs. As the body needs new cells, normal cells grow and divide to create them. Cells eventually age or get damaged, thus allowing new cells to take their place. Unfortunately, the body sometimes makes mistakes and new cells may form when the body doesn't necessarily need them. Old or damaged cells also may not die like they're supposed to. A tumor is then formed due to the buildup of extra cells. Tumors in the mouth or throat can be malignant, meaning that they are cancer, or benign, meaning that they are not cancer. Malignant tumors may be harmful to life and they can grow back after they are detached. Malignant tumors can also violate and damage neighboring tissues and organs. They can spread to other parts of the body, making them extremely destructive. A vast number of oral cancers start in the flat cells. These cells are called squamous cells and are found in the tissues that make up the surface of the skin, the channels of the digestive and respiratory tracts, and the covering of the body's hollow organs. These cancers are called squamous cell carcinomas. By fleeing from the

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