Who Am I? I am Darius Antonio Roman, Businessman of the year of the class of 2015. I am also a first-generation student who is determined to achieve greatness. The “Out in Four” initiative is a guide to abide by to maintain my success at Virginia State University. My ability to graduate in four years is based on three factors which are studying, scheduling, and participating.
Studying is one of the most important factors in academics to achieve my goals at VSU.
I will use only three strategies to make sure I have the information lock in my brain to be able to execute on upcoming quizzes and tests. These strategies are doing reviews on the topic, peer testing, and having a schedule. First, I will review they will help me obtain the entire concept before taking the test. It will give an idea of the material that's going to be on the test which is a huge advantage for me. Reviews will be more effective towards my academics which will keep my grade point average high. Second is peer testing, this collaboration will be more effective than pre-testing by myself because it enhances my chances to receive a higher grade. Also, I will grasp more information than I would by testing alone. This shows studying will be one of the important factors to achieve in academics.
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I will keep an organized schedule consisting of studying for fourteen hours a week. Within those fourteen hours, I will cover all my classes such as Composition I, Biology, Algebra, Health and Wellness, and most importantly my major Business. This schedule will enhance my time-management skills and keep me on organizing throughout my four years in college. Having a schedule will be a huge impact to keep on the right path with my
This is a reflective essay based on a event which took place in a hospital setting. The aim of this essay is to explore how members of the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) worked together and communicate with each other to achieve the best patients outcome.
To ensure the retention of information and prepare for exams, I strongly advise you to study. Many different ways to study exist, but you
In the amount of eight years spent towards my local 4H program, I have had one special memory that has lead me to the reason why every year I still participate in the program. It was the winter before 4H camp had begun, and I received a letter in the mail from one of my former campers. It was a letter explaining how much I had impacted her week, and her parents thank you on the role I gave as a figure for her to look up to. Having so, I recall making positive impacts to former counselors. Always, reminding them that, younger age youths will always look up to you. Making a huge impact to my college future, I serve as a role model to my niece, who as a first generation student as I am now. I plan on continuing to inspire other students who
As part of my Business Innovation Development Project Unit, I had the opportunity to put myself into group with my friends or people I believed I could work well with. In the first stages of our group we all tried to get to know each other more through analysing personality and learning types’ test that we previously undertook. I realise we were going through the normal stages of the team formation in particular forming and norming (Tuckman, 1965). In my assignment group we had all Belbin team roles which helped us perform well throughout our project and also helped us to identify other team members’ behavioural strengths and weaknesses. During the initial stages of the group getting together I believed it was
Throughout high school, I have learn that one can accomplish so much in their education if they work hard. So as I start my college career, I aim to achieve my main goal to be on the Dean’s list every semester. I have prepared myself by developing good studying habits and time management skills that have benefited my grades in school. In addition, I plan to not only use my good habits but also to ask for assistance when needed, get involved in clubs, and find volunteer opportunities. I am confident that I will do exceptionally great at VCU because I feel they have one of the top professors, great technology, and a great environment to further my education.
Vital signs are a fundamental component of nursing care and indicate the body’s ability to maintain blood flow, regulate temperature and regulate oxygenate the body tissue. Taking vital signs are essential in revealing any sudden changes in the body, which could potentially indicate clinical deterioration of the patient.
Throughout the brainstorming of a paper organization of a thesis should be at the end of the first paragraph and very well informed. The theses, at first, in my rough drafts were not that specific of what I was going to write about. It did not mention of what I was going to writing about per paragraph and led to multiple directions and, therefore, confuses the readers. In the rough draft, my thesis was not very well presented and did not mention the points that I was going to make. But when I wrote that “…due to decreased employment, fewer agriculture products, immigration to the United States and invasion of American high-quality products.” ( “Mexican Food Supply…” 1). On that account, my essay revitalized of what I was going to mention
We are living in a modern world. It requires us the good memory or a good way to catch up; however, the memory is limit. The great man is the ordinary human that works by strategy. A good method for studying is important. This will give good scores, protect our health from stresses and create the creative value because the new knowledge will turn into the old one. My three-rule method is the faith, the goal and the time.
This essay is a reflective essay on my learning development from a young age through to my current position as a University Student. I will be relating my learning development back to two theories of human development, Vygotstsky’s socio-cultural theory and Marcia’s version of Erikson’s theory of identity development. I will identify and discuss the challenge I have faced with my identity and how this has impacted on my development.
The second semester of this course has opened up several different strands of conversation, including sexuality, erotica, politics, mothering and women’s connection to water. The atmosphere in the class has changed slightly from the last semester, as the class has become more familiar with each other’s views and perspectives. This has increased the dialogue and discussions, though attendance is lower I find when I did go to class that the discussion was often interesting and in-depth. This atmosphere allowed students to bring their children without fear of being judged, which is very uplifting as acceptance in classrooms is sometimes not present. I found this very prevalent during my seminar lead, as my classmates seemed to be even more excited
The Biology of Learning paper was written in 2006 by Dr. Stephen Londe (Londe 2006). Dr Londe begins with important tips for students for their successful college life. He explained proper goal of college students should be, an ability to learn, remember, able to critical think, gather knowledge and ability to imbed them to make a right decision in the life (2006). In order to be an educated and capable person, able to recognize, able to organize, and solve the problems is required. Success is another name for toughness; it is not easy to get a college degree; wealth, lives satisfactory, family and extensiveness of achievements and education, handworks and determinations are the various ways that leads to the success. Getting a college degree is a pride to talk about. Despite all those hungry
* establishes a system of praise and constructive criticism - rewards and improvement; grows with the organisation
This unit does not introduce much new material. Instead, we expect you to integrate technical and theoretical knowledge acquired from study across your degree. We refer to two frameworks that may support you in carrying out this integration:
Studying skills will help you be more successful as well, there is also to much studying. To much studying can cause stress, and dense learning habits, also pushing your self to hard may ruin learning skills and cause your self to feel bad, or not as intelligent. Study skills for tests, quizzes, and exams is very important. Evenly spreading out study time will increase memory of the subjects you learn. Taking frequent breaks will make studying less stressful. Using flash cards, web sites, computers, or just a pencil and paper are all great ways to study. Having an answer sheet to refer to, and look over when your done will also help study and learning skills because it can help you see what you did wrong and need to fix. Having a study group or club before big tests, like exams or diplomas, will help you have more fun with your friends when studying.
I think the study strategy that has worked best is to use all available resources. I have read and watched