
Overview of three levels of leadership model

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Overview of three levels of leadership model
The model is intended as a practical tool for developing leaders’ leadership presence, knowhow and skill. It aims to summarize what leaders have to do, not only to bring leadership to their group or organization, but also to develop themselves technically and psychologically as leaders.
The three levels referred to in the model’s name are Public, Private and Personal leadership. The model is usually presented in diagram form as three concentric circles and four outwardly-directed arrows, with personal leadership in the center.
The first two levels – public and private leadership – are “outer” or “behavioral” levels. Scouller distinguished between the behaviors involved in influencing two or …show more content…

According to the Three Levels of Leadership model, the key to widening one 's repertoire of public leadership behaviors (and the skill with which they are performed) is attention to personal leadership.
Private leadership
Private leadership concerns the leader’s one-to-one handling of individuals (which is the fourth of Scouller’s four dimensions of leadership). Although leadership involves creating a sense of group unity, groups are composed of individuals and they vary in their ambitions, confidence, experience and psychological make-up. Therefore they have to be treated as individuals – hence the importance of personal leadership. There are 14 private leadership behaviors (Scouller, 2011):
Individual purpose and task (e.g. appraising, selecting, disciplining): 5 behaviors.
Individual building and maintenance (e.g. recognizing rising talent): 9 behaviors.
Some people experience the powerful conversations demanded by private leadership (e.g. performance appraisals) as uncomfortable. Consequently, leaders may avoid some of the private leadership behaviors (Scouller, 2011), which reduces their leadership effectiveness. Scouller argued that the intimacy of private leadership leads to avoidance behavior either because of a lack of skill or because of negative self-image beliefs that give rise to powerful fears of what may happen in such

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