
Oxygen Therapy Case Study

Decent Essays

9. Discuss the dangers of oxygen therapy
- Flammable
- Copd, co2 build up, in some patients with COPD as example they use oxygen and this suppress the drive to breathe, affecting how well the respiratory system works. They can manage this by adjusting the oxygen flow rate.
- Higher risk of infection because of the tubing or masks not getting changed. (Chrisp & Taylor, 2011)
10. What is the maximum amount of oxygen in Litres per minute that non-breathing oxygen mask can deliver?
- 15 Litres (Chrisp & Taylor, 2011)
11. What is the appropriate amount of oxygen that nasal prongs should deliver?
- 3 Litres (Chrisp & Taylor, 2011)
12. What is a Tracheostomy?
- Invasive airway, through the windpipe to gain access
13. Give 3 reasons for a Tracheostomy?
- Acute obstruction
- Oral and maxillofacial …show more content…

Identify 3 complications associated with indwelling and intermittent catheters.
- Invasive
- Infection
- Perforation of the bladder
- Perforation of the prostate (Chrisp & Taylor, 2011)
34. What is intravenous therapy?
- Medication or nutrients deposited directly into the vein for the fastest form of absorption (Chrisp & Taylor, 2011)
35. List 5 reasons for intravenous therapy.
- Fast access to a vein, versatile
- Fast relief of pain or symptoms of illness
- Pt cannot swallow medications
- Pts gut cannot process or stand certain medications eg. Chemo
- Hydration and electrolyte therapy (Chrisp & Taylor, 2011)
36. Provide a definition for extravasation, phlebitis and air embolism.
- Extravasation: In an IV it’s the accidental administration of iv infused medications into the extravascular space/tissue around infusion sites
- Phlebitis: phlebitis may occur at the site where a peripheral IV line was started and including redness, fever, pain, swelling, or breakdown of the skin. This is when its tender red area along the veins on the skin, feel hard, warm, and tender. The skin around the vein may be itchy and swollen, the area may begin to throb or burn, low grade

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