
P5 P6 M3 D2

Decent Essays

This assignment will be talking about my time at placement (Waltham House) and how i participated in a one-to-one interaction and also a group interaction. Then it will be explaining how I assessed their communication and interpersonal skills in relation to each of the interactions. Finally I will be evaluating factors that influenced the effectiveness of each interaction.
One-to-one interaction
For the one-to-one interaction I played dominoes with resident A in the dining room after they finished dinner whilst some of the other residents were asleep. Whilst I played dominoes with resident A, I used different communication skills like listening and showed that I was listening by giving head nods and smiled at resident A. I also used …show more content…

Resident A also looked very happy when I was speaking to him because I was giving him the attention that he wanted without having to go do something else like the carers would have done. Again the proximity was good because the resident could hear me because I was speaking slowly and he was nodding to me as I spoke so I knew he was listening and could hear and understand me when I spoke and also he wasn’t looking at me with a confused look on his face and this was another sign that I knew he could hear and understand me.
Group interaction
For the group interaction I had a conversation with around 8 residents, we spoke about their past and what they used to do as a job when they were younger etc. Whilst I spoke to the residents, I used different communication skills like listening and showed that I was listening by giving head nods and smiled at the residents. This was effective because they could see that I was listening to them and appreciating them by smiling at them to make them feel more confident because I was like a stranger to them. I also showed that I was listening by asking questions about what they were speaking about, for example resident X was talking to me about where they used to work when they were younger and I asked them if they enjoyed working there and tried to find as much about all the residents as I could. I also used non-verbal communication during the group interaction such as eye-contact to show that I was listening. I also used

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