
Participaative Leadership And Authoritarian Government

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A leader, at least according to a Google search, is a person who commands a group, organization, or country. This however is not true as leadership almost transcends just giving orders. Leadership requires knowledge and charisma to properly pull it off along with some way of being bonded to your people (either by totalitarian government or by a complete anarchy). Leadership is something else, though I don’t know quite yet. To lead, you’ve got your choice of not one but three different leadership styles; Participative, Delegative, and Authoritarian. Participative is where the leader, played by you, asks your subordinates what to do, though you still have the final say over what is done. A good example of a participative leadership is a democracy; as the president asks the people and congressmen what should be …show more content…

Delegative is where your still top dog but you have other employees look over certain sections in your place. A great example of this is with the Roman Empire, as they had local leaders serve in place of the overall emperor but had to answer to the emperor themselves. Authoritarian is the easiest to do and explain (at least on paper), simply put, all the power is yours and you don’t have to ask anyone or share it. The best real world example would be a dictatorship (like Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, and Kim Jong Un’s family) as the leader there has absolute power without any question or feedback.
What I’m going to attempt here to retell the story of a man who lead a broken nation back to power, a man immortalized as the face of evil and hate, who is always forgotten for what he did to get where he was and only remembered for what he did when he was there. That man was Adolf Hitler. Now I’m not saying he’s a

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