
Performance Management

Good Essays

3PRM 12 February 2012

Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Management ASSIGNMENT Activity1

1. Two Purposes of Performance Management and its relationships to business objectives. Performance management is a repetitive process, established by organisations to help them in accomplishing their objectives (goals, as listed in the organisation’s vision) by maximizing the performance of an individual, team or whole organisation and ensure that the objectives are achieved. 1 The Performance Management Process is a key component of organisation’s overall approach to the management of its people. As part of the performance management system, Performance Management Process aims to achieve the following: To enable an individual …show more content…

Explain the relationship between motivation and performance management, referring to at least 2 motivational theories. Motivation is about what makes people think, act or behave in particular way. The link between motivation and performance management it’s very obvious. If the employees are highly motivated they will perform better, so better performance can lead to a sense of achievement and result in greater motivation.

Martin, M., Whiting, F. and Jackson, T. (5th edition). Human Resource Practice: page 168, Fig 6.3


3PRM 12 February 2012 The following theories each offer advice and insight on how people actually make choices to work hard or not work hard based on their individual preferences, the available rewards, and the possible work outcomes. Reinforcement Theory The reinforcement theory is based on E.L. Thorndike’s law of effect and describes relationship between behaviour and consequences. This theory focuses on modifying an employee's on-thejob behaviour through the appropriate use of one of the following four techniques:

Positive reinforcement rewards desirable behaviour. Positive reinforcement, such as a pay raise or promotion, is provided as a reward for positive behaviour with the intention of increasing the probability that the desired behaviour will be repeated.

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