
Performance Management Platform - a Pivotal Foundation for Breakthrough Performance

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Performance Management Platform – A Pivotal Foundation for Breakthrough Performance
Ravee Ramamoothie
University of Liverpool

Strategy execution is a topic of practical importance and its success depends on how an organization integrates and aligns the business units and the employee performance to the strategic goals of the organization. However, many organizations find that their strategic goals realization is not optimized.
One of the key issues is that the strategy and the performance goals of an organization are often disconnected with the performance management platform, a function of the strategic HR in managing employee performance.
Ramamoothie (2012) conducted a case study based research on how a …show more content…

Apple is one organization that has in recent times represented this fact. Its leader’s enormous influence in the organization has built a culture of excellence within the organization, where the output of sophistication
(Margulus, 2005), ecosystem (McGirt, 2006) and technology are to be marveled at and are enjoyed by the masses (Peterson, 2007). The foundation was in its human element that was spurred by a major cultural shift (Palmer et al., 2009).
Improving human performance in organizations has become a crucial factor, and leaders have to focus on this to successfully steer through the current hyper-competitive era. However, the pursuit of improvement of human performance hinges on the ‘performance management capability’ of an organization, which Mithas, Ramasubbu and Sambamurthy (2009, pg.240) infer is pivotal to enable firms to continuously evaluate strategy and refine actions towards optimum performance. This capability directly links the
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organization’s ability to deliver superior customer service, as well as enhanced financial and overall organizational effectiveness.

What are the key management principles for an Organization to be on the path of breakthrough performance?
In their recent book “Alignment” Kaplan and Norton (2006) describe through their research how they found

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