
Person I Wish To Become

Decent Essays

The Person I Wish To Become As I lay in my bed waiting to fall asleep; those few minutes I dream about the person that I desire to become; a person that wont accept failure. I wish to be the person that won’t give up and this person will then help me become one of the best students in my field of study. I want people to know that I came here to learn and I won't quit no matter the situation. Quitting the quitting lifestyle begins today. My teacher truly inspired me to become a someone like her. I was once in AP Language and Composition and the class began with our teacher talking about the education system and how a famous author William Bennett talks about how teachers are the main problem with our education system, but she then brought up an amazing point; no one speaks about how teachers are treated in the education system, they mainly focus on the students. My teacher then began by sharing her experience as a newly admitted teacher to colored school at such a young age. She said they handed me my advisory book, some papers, and told she never seen them again. Those people that gave her the papers were the principals and the principals left her stranded on a island filled with animals willing to eat her because they didn't know better and were hungry. The only help she really had was other teachers, but were they there to help, NO! As my teacher told this story I began thinking to myself, wow their actually is two sides to a story and fallacies could really convince

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