
Personal Development Plan

Better Essays

Progress statement

Boud states that to review an experience one must ‘recapture the experience, think about it, mull over and evaluate it’ (Boud et al. 1985) I will follow this piece of advice when constructing my progress statement and development plan, I will also heavily consulted Kolb’s 'Experiential Learning experience as a source of learning and development ' cycle. He states that you go through an experience, then review it, conclude from it and finally plan the next stage. I followed this while making notes of what to include in my progress statement. This way I felt that I was covering all necessary stages in reviewing the work that I had done.

When reviewing my first semester of studying Business and Management …show more content…

However, although this piece of work was very successful, being someone who does not take well to confrontation and conflict I found it particularly difficult to get past and settle the fact that in my first Skills and Development assignment we had a member of the group that did not contribute equally and in some ways not at all. Unfortunately I really kept away from this and therefore relied upon a team member to resolve this issue. I am more than aware that this isn’t the last time that I will be faced with such a situation and therefore plan to tackle such problems head on. Writers such as Stevens and Campion (1999) who constructed a list of desirable team skills at work placed ‘conflict resolution’ high on the list. This further proved to me that I needed to be able to handle such situations and that one day I may be faced with similar circumstances on my own with no other team members to help me or that I can rely on. This led me into reading up help into resolving issues in this module’s core textbook, Skills Development for Business and Management Students –Kevin Gallagher, 2010. I am also aware that conflict may arise in other situations, for instance when trying to get my opinions across I sometimes back down to other people’s if they contrast with my own. Through learning how to resolve conflict effectively I feel that I will be able

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