I started Antoine’s Learning Center after my youngest daughter graduated from high school. I was fortunate to be able to send my girls to private school as I know that is not the reality for some. I am in no way a rich person I just made a lot of sacrifices as I truly believe in getting the best education that is out there.
I noticed in the private school my children were receiving better materials and access to information that wasn’t being taught in the public schools.
There’s one decision that I’ve made that I’m still carrying out; meaning, I’m still not certain whether it was a good one or not. My decision was to come to Squaw Valley Academy. I did not want to go to my local high school as the education system wasn’t the best a couple years ago. It still isn’t but occasionally I wonder if I made the right choice. By going through with this decision I have changed a great deal. I have been at this school for almost two years now, and I’m definitely not the same person that arrived here. Going back home I realized how different I was from my old friends, and how much more mature I had become.
Orendorf Elementary School, a place of many memories and much learning. What was the most treasured part of each day? Recess after lunch, of course! This was the time to play silly games, like hop-scotch and jump rope, and hang out with friends to discuss the latest in “who likes who” and “which boy has cooties”. This was also the longest recess of the day. My friends and I tried to finish eating our lunch as quickly as possible because the sooner you got finished eating, the sooner you could go outside to play. After eating, Denise, Julie, and I quickly cleaned off our table, packed up our lunchboxes, and then raised our hands to be dismissed from the lunchroom. As soon as Mr. Little told us we could go, we quickly made our way from the cafeteria
The legal system does not view a large difference between private and public schools. Both are treated essentially the same with the obvious exception of prayer in school, the religious teachings in a private school, the private school not being “free”, etc. It was the view of the administrators interviewed that the differences between public and private schools is shrinking due to the litigious society we live in. It is also thought that the differences will begin to become even more minuscule, as the government wants to keep all schools on essentially the same page.
For my flagship program, I am currently placed at Lowell school which is under temporarily placed at Mount Jumbo in East Missoula. During my observation I did it on a Tuesday afternoon. When comparing my flagship school to my personal school, I attended Corvallis Elementary school in Corvallis, MT.
I would have never guessed that so many local children require extra help for Mandarin until I joined the Mandarin Tutoring Club. Every Wednesday afternoon, I see the Mandarin class students flock into Ms. Lu's classroom. As a club President, I assign each tutor, including myself, either to teach a specific student, correct class assignments, or input Chinese reading work on the computer.
I walked around the student center it was pretty depressing and all. It was dark except fur windows on the side. Outside the window there was just draf grass and other stuff nothing out of the ordinary. The windowsseemed phony they were supposed to bring in light and all but they led to nowhere interesting. The dtudent center was pretty desolate no one was walking around except for the occasional group going up to buy food. All they could talk about was their internships and shooting the bull about they were bittersweet about leaving. I felt lonely and depressed, as I often did, I felt like I had to be doing something, but I didn't know what. Getting back to the point that sort of thing annoys nebabout people being bittersweet about leaving.
A good education is an essential part of a child’s development. Today, parents have a choice in their child’s education and can evaluate both public and private schools. Although both public and private schools provide education and opportunities for students, parents should evaluate the differences and choose the option that best suits their child and families’ needs. In this paper, I will compare and contrast five major areas that relate to public and private schools including class size, cost, curriculum, services, and teachers.
When raising children and sending them through a schooling system, many parents will take into consideration sending them to a private school, because the believe that it will provide their child with a better education and leave them better prepared for the future. A better education comes at a price, private schools have a high tuition and many parents do not know if it will be worth it in the end. While private schools and public schools both have the same overall goal of educating young minds, their teaching methods and curriculum differ in many ways; furthermore, the results that the schools see in their students are vastly different.
Students’ performance in public and private schools differ a lot. Private schools often have better grades and test scores. It is proven that kids who go to a public school and attend a private school perform better (Williams 17). Student performance varies but the advantage would probably have to go to the private schools.
From previous experience, I feel as though private schools provide a better education. I do not feel it is fair to families, or children themselves, that the cost for an opportunity to gain more knowledge at a faster pace is not available to everyone who would like to take advantage of it. As a child, I was attending a catholic school up until the fifth grade. Once my mother and I moved to Maryland, we lived closer to a public school. At this time my mother was single and did’nt have the funds to send me to a private/catholic school. When I was in catholic school, I had a lot more homework and it was a bit of a challenge. Once I started going to public school everything that was being taught was a review for me. I continued going to public school until I graduated and the work never seemed vigorous enough for it to benefit me or prepare me for college. From my personal experience, I feel as though a private school education is necessary for children to be prepared for college,
There is no denying that private schools perform at higher levels academically, but there is distinctive reasoning on why this is so. Private schools are selective in what type of students they admit into their schools and how many students they actually admit. This can provide a significant advantage over public schools who accept any type of
There is much debate about whether private schools or public schools are the better value. The value proposition when comparing these two school types includes whether scores on standardized tests are better, whether overall grades are better, which schools provide a better "bang for the buck" and so forth. This article will explore several factors that lead the author of this paper to believe that private schools are better, and it is not even close.
Deciding whether to send your treasured children to a public or private high school can be difficult. As a parent, you always want what’s best for your children and their futures. There are various factors to consider when weighing each option, and parents must take the time to carefully study which one benefits their child the most. Benefits to private high schools are, closer relationships with teachers and guidance counselors, smaller class sizes and challenging curriculum. For public high schools, you can receive more choices in curriculum, teachers are a certified educational instructor, and there is a lower cost for attendance. Of course when there is a pro to a topic there is a con. The cons of private schooling include a high cost, teachers are not required to have a teaching degree and there is less of a diversity of classes available. For public high schools, there are larger class sizes which some might not like, there are limited access to learning materials and classes are taught at a mid-learning level, which may cause advanced learners to become bored. Despite the pros and cons, it is ultimately the parents and the student’s decision on whether to attend a public or private high school.
Private schools and public schools are very different in both education level and the way how they function and operate. Private schools are known to be better but with the cost of money while public schools are free but require lower standards to make a middle class and the poor people able to get education.
Private and public intuitions have been in the industry for many of years. Many people discuss wither private schools or public schools are subsequently better investment to how students adapt and learn over years. These topics have been around for centuries. By looking back at articles and information I can find the information needed to examine how private schools and public schools differ but in addition have similarities.