
Personal Statement : Senior Chief Officer Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Setting an Example 7
While seeking additional responsibility, Senior Chief Petty Officer Seymour assumed command of the CGC MALLET. His duties as the Officer in Charge require him to contemplate all aspects of the mission and ensure the unit is within compliance of all Coast Guard Regulations while simultaneously managing our commitment to a sound level of work life balance for each member. Demonstrating by example, his commitment to the CGC MALLET crew, he serves as Survey Officer, Voting Assistance Petty Officer, a member of the Budget Review Board, and the units Education Service Officer.
As an active member of the Chief 's Mess, Senior Chief Petty Officer Seymour attended each call and helped plan the CCTI process last fall. He is also sponsored BMC Gonzalez during the CCTI process while as volunteering as a member of the fundraising and Rites of Passage Committee. Senior Chief Petty Officer Seymour is active member of the Chief Petty Officer Association and has volunteered at several fundraising events.

Health and Well Being 7
Senior Chief Petty Officer Seymour consistently demonstrates a significant welling-being of self and subordinates. In order to maintain physical fitness standards; he works out 4-5 times a week even during his off time. He maintains a nutritional diet to keep healthy and does not use tobacco products. Senior Chief Petty Officer Seymour works out with his shipmates promoting health and well-being.
Since reporting to the unit, Senior Chief

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