One of my high school English teachers always told my class that “self assessment is the first step to all assessment”, and I must say I never really paid attention to that until after I read more about it in this course. Throughout this unit I was able to better understand the meaning behind that quote, because a person really can’t achieve much without first knowing what they are capable of. Throughout my life I’ve done a few assessments, but always brushed them off because I was too young to care. After doing a few of the assessments in the book I found myself being really surprised at the different skills I have, whether it is teamwork skills, or just basic verbal skills.
The first assessment, the Big Five personality test, really helped me understand the strengths in my personality. I was able to find an online assessment test that actually gave me a more in-depth explanation of my test results, which was very helpful to better understand what I scored. My beginning results taught me a lot about myself, starting with the openness to experience section. This section showed me that I am not close minded, nor am I open to new experiences, I am right in the middle, which is pretty true, because I like to pick and choose what new experiences I want to endure. Moving on to the conscientious section, I learned that I am very meticulous, where I like to stay organized and finish my work thoroughly, which is very true, I just never noticed it. The next section of the assessment
The purpose of the Five Factor Personality Test is to reveal what my personality is like through the feedback at the end, given in 5 small paragraphs, breaking down what each factor means. This also reveals how my interaction with people is like and how I am emotionally and mentally. The test will give me an idea how I am actually like and comparing my scores with other people to see how different everyone is to each other.
After doing the personality tests on Indiana Career Explorer, the tests gave me a couple of examples of fields I would be successful in, it told me what values may be important to me in a workplace environment. I feel these assessments were spot on and I have more confidence in my ability to be successful in my career choice.
3. Given that Mike and Marty Scanlon are twins and share some of their genetic makeup, how
The Big Five personality test was created in the 1970 's by two independent research teams. One team with Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, and the other with Warren and Lewis Goldberg. The two teams had different methods that they tested but in the end they both ended up with the same results. The results were that no matter what culture, race, or language people have their personality fits into five dimensions of personality. The five dimensions were created after reviewing lots of surveys and data analysis called factor analysis. Now, just forty years later the Big Five is one of the most commonly accepted personality models.
After completing all the exercises from the book. I generated a self-assessment of various things I learned about myself. Such as, what type of thinker I am and how well I use my critical and creative thinking skills in my daily routine. As well as, learning how to test my assumptions based off of my very own experiences as a critical thinker, along with learning how to make an inference in familiar situations from experiences.
As human beings, we different from one another. We are created with a lot of character traits. We all can gain knowledge about our own personalities, we develop our perceptive about strengths and weaknesses, and clarify what we truly value as individuals. The Myers Brigg personality assessment classified me as an Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving (ISFP) personality type. Results showed slightly Introvert 16 %, sensing 12%, feeling 19%, and perceiving 3%. Throughout this paper I will analyze the diverse parts of my own personality traits and how those traits have effected both my personal and my working environment.
The world would be a lot better of a place if everyone got along and knew how to communicate effectively with one another. There are several different personalities at any given workplace. “According to typological theory, each of us is born with a predisposition for certain personality preferences” (Kroeger pg11 para4). The Myers-Briggs Personality assessment is the most effective way to determine one’s personality type. The test uses different markers to determine how one is stimulated and exerts energy, gather information, make decisions, and living structure. At the completion of the test one will get personality type that is comprised of four letters. The test was developed based off of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs-Myers’ psychological research on personalities and later dissected into Otto Kroeger’s book, “Type Talk at Work.” This book gives one the tools to determine what one’s personality is and then goes into great detail about one’s strengths and weaknesses and how it applies to to real life situations. My personality description is ENFP; Extravert, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. The following are details regarding and ENFP personality type examining a holistic view including personal and work place interactions. Everything is based on insights gained from real world experiences and interactions.
After taking the Big Five Personality Assessment, I was able to decode certain aspects of my personality and analyze whether different strengths and weaknesses. One strength I found was me openness to experience. Being open to others and their ideas has broadened my horizons. I have found that I have so much to learn from others. Whether their ideas are positive or negative, they provide feedback which overall has increased my communication skills. This is a recent strength for me. With prior companies, change was delivered as bad news, we were not taught to work with our peers but rather compete. With my new company I am experiencing the opposite side of the spectrum. I am encouraged to communicate with anyone needed, regardless of
No two people are alike, and no two personalities are alike. A personality is made up of different characteristics, which help to define a person. Per the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator everyone has a four-letter personality type with 16 different personality combinations. These personality types affect everyone’s personal, social and work life. My four-letter personality type is ISFJ (introvert, sensing, feeling and judgment).
The Myers and Briggs Analysis is a series of questions that when answered are examined and grouped together in order to determine the personalities of those taking this test. This particular test can result in sixteen different outcomes or types of personalities, which is determined by four different categories that judge if you are introverted or extroverted, use your senses or your intuition, your choice to think or use your feelings, and finally if you are judgmental or perceptive. These series of questions are designed to judge our personalities and help us to determine which career pathways we will be most suited for based on our personality traits and abilities to work well with others, which is important
I found the test results of the Big Five personality assessment to be an interesting and very accurate description of myself. After completing this assessment, I was able to analyze my personality in depth. I found this information to be helpful knowledge and provide insight about myself, as well as being crucial in examining my personality traits. The big five is also referred to the OCEAN model of personality, and stands for the main traits used to describe personalities. This acronym stands for openness to experience/intellect, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. After taking the test I was then given percentile scores that allowed me to compare myself with other people who have taken the test online as well, therefore making it a more meaningful comparison.
Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science. Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future.
I have to admit that I was skeptical in completing the personality profile. I thought, “How could a few questions determine everything about my management style”. When I received my results, I was astonished at how accurately those results portrayed my personality. While deciding which of my personality traits were advantageous and which were detrimental to my management style, I became conflicted as all of my scores can be portrayed as both positive and negative depending on the situation.
What is a personality? A personality is a reflection of a person identity of a human being but we don’t share the same type of personality. There are so many different type of personality in the world some people have outgoing, shy, crazy, and settle personality. There are some people where there culture and surrounding shape their personality traits. In my culture and surrounding it has help me shape my personality in many ways.
Assessments provide learners opportunities to develop mastery of their ideas, skills and competencies, whilst educators use assessment tasks as both teaching and learning tools (Spiller, 2009:6 & 7).