
Personal Statement of Computer Engineer

Decent Essays

Computers are a major part of our lives in society today. They are used to do almost everything from typing essays to reading books to watching movies these days. Technology makes our lives so much easier by providing us a way to communicate with people anywhere in the world, allowing us to send emails faster than ever before, watch movies online and to store documents on storage media such as hard drives and flash drives. But many people do not know what goes on behind the scene to manufacture this useful technology. My goal is to go behind the scenes and understand how this process works. Due to this reason, I want to become a computer engineer to make computers better and faster for future generations. An area that has really helped me to reach my goal is academics. Throughout high school, I have taken some dual credit and AP classes and other classes that will help to be successful in achieving my goal. Since these classes have a more rigorous curriculum, they require a lot of hard work to be successful. By taking these classes, I have been able to improve my abilities both in school and outside of school. Some of the classes that have most helpful for reaching my goals include Principles of Information Technology, Programming 1 and 2, Computer Maintenance, Telecom and Networking and this year, I am taking Problems and Solutions in Information technology as a Senior. Ever since I was in elementary school, I have been very interested in computers because I love the

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