
Personal Strengths: Team Analysis

Good Essays

Finding our groove
I’ve always enjoyed working in a more intimate team dynamic, despite personal challenges with social awkwardness. Team 2 was an interesting mix of skills and personalities, and I found our strengths complemented each other’s weaknesses nicely. It took some time to understand everyone’s personalities and flesh out team dynamics, but we were very proactive in sharing information and ideas throughout the experience.

From our first day working together, Team 2 began developing a communication structure to keep everyone involved and informed. We were quick to share our strengths and weaknesses, constraints, and fears regarding the coursework. We engaged in Skype and phone calls, emails, shared working documents and Moodle forums, …show more content…

We struggled to integrate coursework into our already busy lives, and found Moodle difficult to navigate. In addition, I was in a time zone three hours ahead of the others, limiting the times we could set for team discussions. We all expressed frustration and missed certain communications in the first few weeks, but thankfully frustration was often dealt with calmly and with the support of the team. We did have a few failures in coming together, most notably in following through with a team charter started by Olga. For me personally, it was a disappointment that the team did not embrace the outlining of our responsibilities to each other and the …show more content…

There were clashes and disagreements, but never serious enough to negatively impact our progress. I believe we all recognized that despite our differences, we’re all in the MAPC program for a good reason, and our professionalism helped guide us through the rough patches.

Evaluating success as a team and recommendation for future development
My gauge of success for any team is that everyone contributes according to their strengths, and no one creates barriers that obstruct others. If these factors are in place, a project typically stands an excellent chance of being completed, and in this I would say our team was successful. My recommendation for future development would focus on how clashes are managed. We did experience some passive aggressive posturing throughout the program, from which nothing good ever comes. I would suggest more training and awareness around conflict management tactics may be helpful in future.


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