Dress Code
Do students who all dress the same look good or bad? Students should not all look the same. School is a place where students should be able to express themselves, and be able to wear whatever they want,as long as they are not breaking any rules that their school has. The first school dress code was established in 1969, by the U.S Supreme Court. The Supreme Court made the dress code to stop students of a certain school from protesting the Vietnam War.They So student that have piercing and student that like wearing different types clothing should not be limited because of school's dress code. The dress code has flaws to it, it does not have diversity, it can be take advantage of, and it unfair. But school believe that it make
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One major benefits to dress code it that nobody can be made fun of because of what they were, because they all look the same. According to student right “The principles the wear question believe that their students stay more disciplined and focused in their studies and feel less peer pressure”. So dress code help people stay focus in school. The dress code also get rid of theft, because nobody want to steal the same shirt or shoes that they already have. Violence will also be lowered because nobody fought over what clothes they had. Plus it limit gang member from wearing their colors to school which endanger everybody there if they were a target. But dress code limit people's expression, theft and violence should not be problem in schools. Schools should be able to control their problems. So the dress code has its pros and cons but the writer believes that a strict dress code should not be implaces.
Student who all look same at school is bad. Having diversity is what all school needs, yeah they say that it ruin learning environment but that's not true. A kid will want to learn if he wants to. A dress code does not have diversity, it has some flaws. So a dress code is still a bad idea and should not be implemented in any
By having the dress code, bullying can be prevented. Some students are insecure about themselves and get bullied because they are trying to impress someone. with their clothing. These young adults need some kind of dress code to be enforced so they won’t get sexually harassed either. Unfortunately, sexual harassment and bullying are a big issue in today's society. Others might say the students should be able to dress as they wish because it is their right. It is their right to wear what they please, but these rules need to be enforced to ensure these students are
Introduction During the mid eighteen hundreds there were high tensions between the Northern United States and the Southern United States. One of the main causes of the tensions between the Northern and Southern States of the United States was Slavery. After the United States won the United States-Mexican War there was a large portion of new land for the United States but there was one problem. The Northern part of the United States did not want to have slavery but the Southern part of the United States wanted slavery. To compromise they split the remaining and new land equally among the Northern and Southern parts of the United States.
Let us begin with the obvious. Changing the dress code allows for kids to be comfortable wearing clothes. Many students will be able to move a lot better, not having to wear tight clothes. It also means that students can wear the clothes they have and not have to spend money on new clothes.
Conclusively, there are many more important reasons why schools in our country should adapt school dress codes. The schools that participate in the traditional wearing of uniforms, are getting a jump start in the countless number of advantages schools can get to help up their statistics. Learning that there are many minor issues of the judgmental side of the dress code, a few more issues come from the simple fact of students not having to worry about what they are wearing the next day. Additionally, teachers would not have to anguish about getting on the students about their dressing habits. Likewise, not only the teachers, but the parents as well would have a much more relaxing day and would imply the skills that the students need to help
School dress codes send a loud and clear message, “Your individuality is inconvenient.” (Rowland 22). The constitution guarantees the right to free speech,which can be interpreted as the right to freedom of self expression, and students use clothing to express themselves. Another message that dress codes send is that “the self identity that you want to express does not belong here.” Self expression is not an inconvenience or a distraction, it is the lifeblood of our nation. (Rowland 22). Schools tell students that they should be confident in themselves, but how can they if they cannot express themselves? School dress codes now are more about shielding the boys then protecting the girls which implies that boys are immature. Calling a girl’s clothes distracting is implying that she is at fault for any disruptions. “That 's like saying that because a store has a cash register, it 's the store 's fault if it gets robbed!” (Menza 1). Students are going to be distracted anyways. Sexist dress codes are like saying that an article of clothing, or a body part showing on a female will distract male students from learning. Dress codes should be simple for both genders, everyone should wear clothing that covers up the same area. With dress codes, students are forced to dress the same as other students, taking the individuality out of school, but schools try to send the message, you are individual. Figure 1 shows a strict dress codes for both students and
“Dress codes and school uniforms increase school safety by eliminating gang-related clothing and helping aid in the recognition of nonstudents on campus. Other potential benefits cited include better student behavior, more resistance to peer pressure and improved emphasis on academics. About one in
"Little Snow White" is a worldwide known fairy tale written by the Grimm brothers in 1812. The story is about a beautiful young girl that has to escape from the care of her envious mother with a intention. The story follows Snow White through her journey until her mother isn't her worry anymore. The underlying message of the story is a person dealing with a mental illness and how it affects loved ones.
Dress code is a big controversy within almost all school districts around the world. There are many different opinions on the topic and how it should be handled, but it is mainly the students who suffer because of these strict, unruly, form of schooling. Girls are mainly the ones who are targeted against being blamed for causing a distraction or being inappropriate. Girls should be able to dress how they wish and not be shamed for it at school. They should not be discriminated against due to their personal clothing choices.
We all know that there is different rules in almost all school dress codes that apply to guys and girls. For example, at some schools guys can't wear beanies during class but girls can. A girl can't have shorts that reach before their fingertips when they have their arms down. I personally feel like there shouldn't be “dress code” because for many people they like to express themselves by what they wear, why should schools make people feel uncomfortable? Not having uniforms can make the students feel competitive on what they wear and where they have got their clothes from. For some students those things do matter, but for some of them it doesn’t matter they’re going to school to learn, not to impress people at school. Some schools hate what their students wear to school, but don’t they have like favorite pieces of clothing that they also love as much as the students do? If schools don't like what they are seeing in the student’s “outfits” each day then they should start making students to wear their school uniforms. 15 year old, Miranda Larkin, was sent to the nurse's office for wearing a short skirt that violated the school dress code, and they made
Our clothes is suppose to make us feel comfortable and define who we are instead of “purposely” getting attention from our peers. We never intended for the clothing we wear to school to distract students around school, we just wanted to be able to show off our diversity of clothing. The limitation of the dress code can help students not be able to express themselves fully. The dress code should be changed because of it’s major flaws.
School's rule some clothes as too distracting or inappropriate because they believe some clothing items are too short or goes too low for example. There are only dress codes because they want to "promote a safe, disciplined school environment, prevent interference with schoolwork and discipline, and to encourage uniformity of student dress "according to https:education.findlaw.com. What they don't realize is we don't need rules for that. Dress code at school is a violation of not only American rights but human rights. I believe that everyone has a right to dress how they wish unless if they are in a serious or business matter. There should not be dress codes at school because it violates rights. Dress codes are mainly sexist, and it put stress on teachers. "A dress code is a set of rules, usually written and posted, specifying the required manner of dress at a school, office, club,
Have you ever been excluded from learning because of what you wore to school? In most schools, dress codes are set in place to provide a better learning space for all students. Having a dress code can oppress students because students are given the impression that they should not express themselves. Not all families can afford the clothes that abide by the rules. For example, some students don 't have the means to pay for new clothes, so they have to use hand-me-down clothing. Enforcing a dress code can lead to more problems in the long run because of the exceptions made for students who are athletes and cheerleaders. Many school faculty members including teachers and administrators think that keeping a dress code will keep students looking appropriate while learning, but this idea is wrong because it keeps students from expressing themselves and, the dress code singles out women.
If there were dress codes in school, it would eliminate violence and bullying. If there was a kid who liked to wear a different style of clothing then others, then he would probably get teased or maybe even get beaten up. Also, it reduces violence and makes students behave better because it makes everyone equal, bringing all of the students to the same level. "A dress code brings us together, like an athletic team. We're unified, we stand for
Is there anything more embarrassing than being dress coded at school? Enforcing a dress code among children is unfair because it not only discriminates against people but it destroys someone’s whole day. Dress codes and school uniforms are meant to increase student achievement and make everyone equal but instead it only hurts people. Most school dress codes are unnecessary and are sexist. Enforcing dress codes is suppose to boost student achievement but instead is racist, sexist and unnecessary. Schools should take into consideration their student 's feelings before they establish rules for dressing.
Students should be allowed to wear whatever they want without having limitations that stop them from fully expressing themselves. It’s about creativity and standing out; the way a person dress can show others how comfortable and stylistic they have in their own type of fashion. Having rules put in place to determine how a student should dress can make it hard for students to express their sense of style. Their creativity cannot be put out in the way they want it to because schools thinks that having a “dress code” can make students more focused and discipline.